Church and the Kingdom of God

What is a dramatized prayer?
Prayer that involves physical action
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Give an example of when Catholic use a dramatized prayer?
When Catholics pray before the Stations of the Cross, they accompany Jesus on his final journey with a type of dramatized prayer
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By moving between the stations of the cross it is...
a way of accompany Jesus on his last journey and helps the person to stay focused on their prayers
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What can making the stations of the cross be seen as?
A type of 'pilgrimage in prayer'
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What is a pilgrimage?
A journey that has a spiritual purpose, where the destination may be a sacred or religious place
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What do Catholic believe about life?
That it is a pilgrimage towards heaven
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Why do people go on pilgrimages?
Ask for forgiveness, Seek physical and spiritual healing and Closer to God
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Why is lourdes important?
Bernadette saw vision of Mary- told Bernadette to dig in the ground and a spring appeared
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Why do Catholics visit lourdes?
Because the water believed to have healing powers and Catholics visit Lourdes to bathe in it waters
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Why is Jerusalem important?
City in Israel were Jesus died
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Why do Catholics vist Jerusalem?
To share in Jesus life and suffering and renew their faith and commitment to Jesus
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Why is Rome important?
The centre of Catholic faith and where the current pope lives
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Why do Catholics visit Rome?
To show their commitment to the Catholic Church
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Why is Walsingham important?
Contains the Catholic national shrine for England
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Why do Catholic visit Walsingham?
To go on a pilgrimage without having to travel abroad
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What are Catholic attitudes toward mission?
The main idea of mission is to show God's love through doing actions
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What is an example of a film where Catholic attitude towards mission is shown?
Les Miserables
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What is the influence of mission and evangelism in drama?
Illustrate the power such values can have to change people's lives
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What is the influence of mission and evangelism in drama?
Inspire and encourages Christians to show these values in their own life
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What is the kingdom of God?
The idea of God's authority and rule, and is seen among those who follow Jesus
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What is the kingdom of God also known as?
The reign of God, when all people live as God intends
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What does 'hallowed by thy name' mean in the Lord prayer?
When people respect the majesty and holiness of God, they recognize the importance of God, so they accept the call to become members of God kingdom
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What does ‘thy kingdom come’ mean in the Lord prayer?
Prayer for God's kingdom to come, and for people to accept the rule of God in their heart
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What does ‘Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven’ mean in the Lord prayer?
Accepting and following God's will is important for establishing the kingdom- when everyone does the will of God, the kingdom will be fully established
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What are the 3 signs of the kingdom?
Justice, Peace and Reconciliation
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Explain justice:
Christian should live in a way that respect others and should recognise that all people are created equally by God ‘made in the image and likeness of God’
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Explain peace:
Support organisation that work for justice, believed by catholic to come from a person heart. Christian believe this will lead to the peace of God kingdom being experience on earth
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Explain reconciliation:
Brings back together people who have broken apart. For Christian this allows God peace and justice to spread which helps the kingdom of God to be experienced on earth
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What is the hierarchy?
(ranking system) In the Catholic Church that recognizes people's authority and responsibility, and brings about unity
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What is the order of importance in the Catholic Church?
Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Deacons and Lay people
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Why would the pope use the people in the hierarchy?
To consult with people to make sure he is making the best decisions for the whole Church
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What is the second Vatican council?
A series of meetings held by the Pope and bishops between 1962 one 1965. It produce a series of documents that reflected a modern approach to the Church and the world
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What was the main aim of the second Vatican council?
To work out how to make the church more open and accessible, and revealing to the modern world
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What was the four majored document produced by the council?
The word of God. On the Church. On the Sacred Liturgy. The Church in the modern world
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Explain the document the word of God:
Deals with the importance and interpretations of the Bible and stresses the Bible should not be taken seriously as the word of God
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Explain the document on the church:
Deals with the nature and structure of the Church and stresses all members of the Church plays important roles to play, not just the pope
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Explain the document on the sacred liturgy:
Deals with the liturgy and the church services and emphasizes that people should be able to take a full part in the worship of God
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Explain the document the church in the modern world:
Deals with the issues relating to modern society and stresses the church should not be separate from modern society
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What is the importance of Mary?
Shows humility- only recognises she is special because of what god had done for her
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What is the importance of Mary?
Praises god’s greatness- aware that god has shown love for all people, ‘Magnificat ‘– praised god for this. ‘My soul magnifies the lord’ ‘Filled the hungry with God things’
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What is the importance of Mary?
Shows acceptance of god will- allowed god kingdom to grow in her heart
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What is the importance of Mary?
Shows trust in god- trusted god to protect her
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What is the Magnificat?
name of prayer that Mary said
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What is the controversy to the Magnificat?
Some think this prayer support those who are rebelling against their government so encourages the weak and poor to raise up against those in power
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What do other think about the controversy to the Magnificat?
Others think prayer just shows that god support the weak and helpless
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What are the 4 marks of the Church?
One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic
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What are the 4 marks of the Church?
4 qualities that are necessary for the Church to exist
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Explain one:
The Church has one united body 'may all be one' (John 17:21)
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Explain holy:
The presence of God makes the Church holy
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Explain catholic:
The beliefs of the Church are universal
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Explain apostolic:
The Church's teaching are built in the teaching of the 12 apostles
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What is the apostolic succession?
The idea that the Pope and bishops are successors to the 12 apostles. This gives the Pope and bishops the authority to shape and confirm the Church teaching (Magisterium)
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What is the combine authority of the bishop and the pope known as?
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Catholics believe the bishops and pope are...
successors to the apostles
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What is the church?
Conciliar and Pontifical
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How is the church conciliar?
Because it makes important decisions through councils and the councils influence the teaching and direction of the church
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How is the church pontifical?
Because the Pope has the highest authority and the Pope's teaching must be taken very seriously
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What does the magisterium provide?
Social teachings
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What are the social teachings?
The Church believes that God loves all people
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What are the social teachings?
The Church is against economic exploitation and a culture of greed, as this lead to inequality and suffering
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What is the phrase expressed in 'Love our neighbor'?
The works of Catholic agencies, locally, nationally and globally
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Give an catholic agency that works locally:
St Vicent de Paul Society (SVP)
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What St Vicent de Paul Society?
It is an example of a Catholic charity that works locally, by providing friendship and practical help to people in local areas
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Give an example of what St Vicent de Paul Society do locally?
SVP members visit people in need in their homes, or in hospitals, care homes and prisons
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Give another example of what St Vicent de Paul Society do locally
SVP also help individual with practical needs. For example, they might help with the shopping
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Give an catholic agency that works globally:
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Give an example of what CAFOD do globally?
CAFOD provides emergency aid in places overseas where natural disasters or war have ruined lives
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Give another example of what CAFOD do globally?
CAFOD campaign against polices about that contribute to inequality or climate change
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Give 3 examples of kingdom values:
Love, Mercy and Desire for peace
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What are kingdom values?
Values that God wants people to have as members of his kingdom
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What is a vocation?
Call from God to take on a certain role in life
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What are kingdom values expressed in?
The vocations of priesthood, family life and religious life
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How are kingdom values expressed in priesthood?
Promise if celibacy (no sex/marriage), Serves others and Promise of obedience to their bishop
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How are kingdom values expressed in family life?
Love unites family and Parents try to show kingdom values in their relationship- teach children values
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How are kingdom values expressed in a religious life?
E.g. monks and nuns- take vows of poverty, charity and obedience to show commitment to God values and Simple lives/prayer
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Who expresses the belief in justice, peace and reconciliation?
Pope Francis
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What is Pope Francis an example of?
A well knownCatholic who lives by the kingdom values of justice, peace and reconciliation
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Give an example of how Pope Francis has shown justice?
He criticizes economic policies that lead to inequality and exploitation
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Give an example of how Pope Francis has shown peace?
He brings together leaders of countries that have been at war with each other
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Give an example of how Pope Francis has shown reconciliation?
He visited areas of tension in the world, trying to restore harmony
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Give an example of when Catholic use a dramatized prayer?


When Catholics pray before the Stations of the Cross, they accompany Jesus on his final journey with a type of dramatized prayer

Card 3


By moving between the stations of the cross it is...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What can making the stations of the cross be seen as?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a pilgrimage?


Preview of the front of card 5
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