Christian moral action

outline cheap grace
grace without discipleship - no true sacrifice to Christianity made. Bonhoeffer disagreed with this - grace could not be given without cost, but must be worked for
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outline costly grace
changes our lives and decisions - true sacrifice in the face of Jesus. has to be protected from the world, can only be given in the sanctuary of God
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outline Bonhoeffer's early life
had an idyllic childhood but was cut short by the war and traumatic death of his brother (1918). announced at age 14 he was to be a theologian
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Bonhoeffer's time in America after university
was introduced to members of the black churches; his experience made his realise that Christianity needed to build relationships between different churches without racial or geographical boundaries
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outline Bonhoeffer's arrest and execution
arrested on the grounds that he helped Jewish immigrants escape to Switzerland. the failed Resistance attempt to assassinate Hitler implicated Bonhoeffer and he was given a mock trial within a concentration camp and later hanged
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Resistance to Nazism
after Hitler became Fuhrer (1933), Bonhoeffer began a radio podcast deeply critical of the "leadership principle", which was quickly shut down by authorities. he soon became a member of the Confessing Church. worked for the Resistance against Hitler
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what is discipleship to Bonhoeffer
obedience to, and following the example of, Jesus Christ. we have greater duty to God than we have duty to the state
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example of Bonhoeffer having greater duty to God than to the state
broke the law by participating in the Confessing Church - "true" Protestantism over Nazism
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single minded obedience
a Christian's only duty must be to God and not to any state or earthly government
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Biblical evidence supporting single minded obedience
"there is not authority except from God" (Romans 13:1) and ""give to God the things that are God's" (Mark 12:17)
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outline civil disobedience
refusal to comply with state laws that conflicted with his Christian principles - such actions were replicated in later movements e.g. Martin Luther King in the Civil Rights Movement
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who wrote the Barmen Declaration
Karl Barth
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why was the religious community at Finkenwalde important
important in developing practical Christian living, exercising discipline, and being a key source of opposition to the Nazi regime. developed Confessing Church ministers - focused attention on duty to God rather than duty to the state
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definition: world come of age
the modern world has developed into more of a rational one than being largely superstitious
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definition: the Western void
Bonhoeffer's description of the state of a Western secular world without Christianity filled with all kinds of dangerous beliefs and ideas
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Card 2


changes our lives and decisions - true sacrifice in the face of Jesus. has to be protected from the world, can only be given in the sanctuary of God


outline costly grace

Card 3


had an idyllic childhood but was cut short by the war and traumatic death of his brother (1918). announced at age 14 he was to be a theologian


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Card 4


was introduced to members of the black churches; his experience made his realise that Christianity needed to build relationships between different churches without racial or geographical boundaries


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Card 5


arrested on the grounds that he helped Jewish immigrants escape to Switzerland. the failed Resistance attempt to assassinate Hitler implicated Bonhoeffer and he was given a mock trial within a concentration camp and later hanged


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