choice of research methods

2 types of data collected by researcher
Primary- data collected from directly conducting ones own study
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Research methods used depend on:
THEORITICAL FACOTRS- what the researcher is influenced by eg- Positivism or Interpretivism/ sometimes researcher mixes the two
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Examples of practical costs
COST- research depends on funds available- if researcher has funds the researcher can employ a larger research team/conduct a longitudinal study/ rent offices/ pay employees
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TIME AVAILABLE- depends on funding, more money study can last longer- if the researcher lacks time/ funds running low , a small scale study can be done- mostly focus on analysing secondary data rather than doing own research or give out questionnaire
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SUBJECT MATTER- some areas more easy for researcher to study, some subject more comfortable to talk about certain topics wheras some might refuse to talk park when sensitive topics asked ie domestic violence- feel embarrased, emotionally unable to
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NATURE OF SUBJECT- the nature of questions need to be considered- some questions might inlcude sensitive topics and some might not respond truthfully or admit to certain things (racism,violence, tax avoidance)
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SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF RESEARCHER AND THOSE RESEARCHED- the researchers ethnicity/age/gender/ class might affect responses the subject gives which affects validity of data eg- white researcher interviewing black/Asians about experienced racism
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Set of moral principles that need to be followed when conducting research that involves people
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What do the BSA say
Research subjects have rights- validity of data improves when they feel that researcher is sensitive to their needs (open up more)
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What are the main 6 ethical guidelines
INFORMED CONSENT- subject needs to know they are in a study- in order to decide whether they really want to participate- real purpose of the study needs to be known
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DECEPTION- researcher should not keep information about research from subject- tell aims and purpose of study- sometimes deception necessary to avoid demand characteristics
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PRIVACY- identity of research subject should be anonymous- information given should not be tracked back to the subject- if subject know their identity will be kept anonymous - more likely to give personal information
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PROTECTION FROM HARM- subject should not be harmed emotionally or psychologically- subjects reputation should not be harmed if data has been misinterpreted and then published (loosing job)
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BEHAVIOUR LEGAL- researcher should not have guilty knowledge- report any illegal behaviour to correct authorities if they come across during study
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SAFETY OF RESEARCHER/RESEARCH TEAM- avoid situations that can cause physical harm
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Card 2


Research methods used depend on:


THEORITICAL FACOTRS- what the researcher is influenced by eg- Positivism or Interpretivism/ sometimes researcher mixes the two

Card 3


Examples of practical costs


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Card 4




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Card 5




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