Chinese philosophy

  • Created by: Ellafield
  • Created on: 18-02-22 21:40
Mozi on ghosts
“They cause the people of the world to develop doubts concerning the existence of ghosts and spirits and as a result the worlds is thrown into disorder”
For the ghosts and spirits will see what you do!”
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Mozi on confucian fatalism
people will be “lax in their duties” and “neglect their tasks” if they believe that, lead to disorder and poverty
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Mozi on music
If musical instruments produced a similar return that benefitted the people I would not dare condemn them
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Mozi on activism
“killing one person is condemned but not one thousand”
“Condemnation of offensive warfare”
“Stealing some peaches and plums from an orchard condemned but not stealing a state”
“they press each other forward in self-sacrifice until there’s no flesh lef
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Mozi on cold cognition
you can actively dislike what you do - must override with cold cognition
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Mozi on worthy man
goes to bed and wakes up early
increase revenue
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Mozi on increasing worthiness
one must reward and esteem them, revere and praise them
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Mozi on cronyism/nepotism
they do not know enough to employ a capable men to correct situation, instead they employ relatives, or men who happen to be rich and eminent or pleasant featured and attractive"
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Mozi measure of good
I hold to the will of heaven as a wheelwright holds to his compass and carpenter to his square
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Mozi on heaven's will
the clearest standard in the world
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Mozi on Yi
What is right - external standard
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Mozi on subservience
whenever superior approves/condemns something as right/wrong you too must approve/condemn it"
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Mozi on punishment
the sage kings created the five punishments to facilitate good order among people
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Mozi on a ruler ruling through punishment
like the main thread of a skein of silk or the drawstring of a net - gathering those who refuse to obey superiors
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Confucius importance of ritual
is not as good as being poor and yet full of joy, rich and yet fond of ritual.”
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Kongzi on ruling
“One who rules through the power of Virtue might be compared to the Pole Star, which simply remains in its place while re- ceiving the homage of the myriad lesser stars.”
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Kongzi on the importance of respect filial piety
, “Nowadays, ‘filial’ is used to refer to anyone who is merely able to provide their parents with nourishment. But even dogs and horses are provided with nourishment. If you do not treat your parents with reverence, wherein lies the difference?”
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Kongzi On place in society
Thus, in being a filial son and good brother one is already taking part in government.24 What need is there, then, to speak of ‘participating in government’?
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Kongzi cultural conservatism in dance
Kongzi said of the head of the Ji clan, “He uses eight rows of dancers in his courtyard.26 If this man can be tolerated, who cannot be tolerated?”
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`The importance of authenticity and commitment Kongzi
The Master said, “If I am not fully present at the sacrifice,34 it is as if I did not sacrifice at all.”
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Kongzi on ren
The Master said, “Those who are not ren cannot remain constant in ad- versity and cannot enjoy enduring happiness. Those who are ren find their repose in ren; those who are wise follow ren because they know that they will li =, ‘profit,’ from it.
“If the
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Kongzi on righteousness
The Master said, “The gentleman understands what is right, whereas the petty man understands profit.”
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Kongzi learning from others
The Master said, “When you see someone who is xian B, ‘worthy,’ concentrate upon becoming their equal; when you see someone who is un- worthy, use this as an opportunity to look within yourself.”
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Kongzi on restraint
“The gentleman wishes to be slow of speech and cau- tious with regard to his actions.”
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Kongzi paradox of wu-wei and the importance of authentically wanting de
“Rotten wood cannot be carved, and a wall of dung cannot be beau- tified. As for Zaiyu, what would be the use of reprimanding him?”
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Kongzi exclusivity of Junzi/ren
Only when culture and native substance are perfectly mixed and balanced do you have a gentleman.”
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Kongzi on ritual
The Master said, “A cap made of hemp is prescribed by the rites, but nowadays people use silk. This is frugal, and I follow the majority. To bow before ascending the stairs96 is what is prescribed by the rites, but nowadays people bow after ascending. Thi
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Kongzi on the spreading of de/junzi
The Master replied, “If a gentleman were to dwell among [barbarians] them, what uncouthness would there be?”105
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Kongzi on excessive desires
Kongzi said, “If you could just get rid of your own excessive desires, the people would not steal even if you rewarded them for it.”
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Kongzi on filial piety
Kongzi replied, “Among my people, those we consider ‘upright’ are dif- ferent from this: fathers cover up for their sons, and sons cover up for their fathers. This is what it means to be ‘upright.’”131
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Kongzi on purity of music
“Whoever is playing the chimes like that certainly had something on his mind!” After listening for a moment, he added, “How squalid! How pettily stubborn! If no one understands you,
you should just stop trying to make them understand:
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Kongzi on military
“I have heard something about the use of ceremonial stands and dishes for ritual offerings, but I have never learned about the use
of battalions and divisions.” He left the next day.
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Kongzi on how the gentleman deals with hardship
The Master said, “The gentleman remains firm in hardship, while the petty man is overwhelmed by it.”
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Kongzi power of the gentleman
19.21 Zigong said, “A gentleman’s mistake is like an eclipse of the sun or the moon: when he errs, everyone notices it, and when he makes amends, everyone looks up to him.”
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Confucian pragmatism
15.31 The Master said, “I once engaged in si ‘thought’ for an entire day without eating and an entire night without sleeping, but it did no good. It would have better for me to have spent that time in xue, ‘study.’”152
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Laozi on paradox of trying and turning vessel
Everyone in the world knows that when the beautiful strives to be beautiful, it is repulsive.
Everyone knows that when the good strives to be good, it is no good.5 And so,
To have and to lack generate each other
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Laozi excessive desires
The chase and the hunt madden our hearts. Precious goods impede our activities.
This is why sages are for the belly and not for the eye; A
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Laozi heaven and way
To be a true king is to be Heavenly.
To be Heavenly is to embody the Way.

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Laozi the aim of naturalness
Honest, like unhewn wood.
Manifest plainness.
Embrace simplicity.41
Do not think just of yourself.
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Laozi the way
People model themselves on the earth.
The earth models itself on Heaven.
Heaven models itself on the Way.
The Way models itself on what is natural.
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Laozi on military
One who serves a ruler with the Way will never take the world by force of arms.
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Laozi paradoxical way
The Way is forever nameless.63
Unhewn wood64 is insignificant, yet no one in the world can master it
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Laozi on the greatness of the way
Because it is always without desires, one could consider it insignificant.70 Because the myriad creatures all turn to it and yet it does not lord it over
one could consider it great.
Because it never considers itself great, it is able to perfect i
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Laozi on dyads
Turning back is how the Way moves.
Weakness is how the Way operates.
What is there arises from what is not there.
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Laozi on not seeking external gratification/desires of eye
And so those who know the contentment of contentment are always
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Laozi on staying in community
Without going out the door, one can know the whole world. Without looking out the window, one can see the Way of Heaven. The further one goes, the less one knows.
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Laozi not trying to achieve Way
Perfect through nonaction.
In the pursuit of the Way, one does less each day;
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Laozi virtue of the childlike mind
Those who are steeped in Virtue are like new-born children;104
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Laozi ruling with subtlety
The rivers and ocean are able to rule over a hundred valleys,
because they are good at placing themselves in the lower position
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Laozi the curse of knowledge
To know that one does not know is best;
Not to know but to believe that one knows is a disease.143
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Laozi on the immorality of elites
The people are hungry because those above eat up too much in taxes; This is why the people are hungry.
The people are difficult to govern because those above engage in action; This is why the people are difficult to govern.
People look upon death lightly
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Laozi on the turning vessel like Way of Heaven
The Way of Heaven, is it not like the stretching of a bow? What is high it presses down;
What is low it lifts up.
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Laozi strength in weakness
In all the world, nothing is more supple or weak than water;
Yet nothing can surpass it for attacking what is stiff and strong.
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Laozi on language
Words worthy of trust are not refined;
Refined words are not worthy of trust.157
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filial piety
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music dancing singing
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Mozi on confucian fatalism


people will be “lax in their duties” and “neglect their tasks” if they believe that, lead to disorder and poverty

Card 3


Mozi on music


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Mozi on activism


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Mozi on cold cognition


Preview of the front of card 5
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