Children and the Internet

  • Created by: Yasmetron
  • Created on: 18-01-23 20:21
What did Prout and James (1997) say?
- children are rendered passive as they need to be protected
- rendering children passive removes their power and thus their social rights
- the fact that children contribute to society freaks out adultists who prioritise protecting children
1 of 15
define adultism
the power adults have over children where they position children as passive within society
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What did the United Nations Convention in the Rights of the Child Charter do in 1989?
gave children the right to
- be protected
- be involved in decision-making that concerns them
- be educated
3 of 15
What are the age ranges for childhood, adolescence and adulthood?
childhood = 0-18 years
adolescence = 10-20 years
adulthood = 18+ years
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Why do adultists fear the digital age?
- because they see the digital age as a threat. They did not grow up with the amount of digital resources children have today and are therefore worried for their development
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define online disinhibition effect
the reduction of nonverbal cues and real time facilitating online self-disclosure
(Suler, 2004)
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define online self-disclosure
intentional and unintentional revealing of information about the online self
(Kim and Dindia, 2011)
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define over-disclosure
misjudging the audience and disclosing inappropriate information
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define bonding
maintaining and strengthening pre-existing ties
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what are the advantages and disadvantages of bonding?
- enhanced friendship quality
- lowers loneliness
- stranger connectivity and belongings
- reliance upon online communities
- reductions of offline social skills
- misplaced trust
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define bridging
forming new connections and maintain loose ties
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what are the advantages and disadvantages of bridging?
- access to diverse communities
- higher self-esteem
- safe space to practice social skills
- stranger danger
- access to antisocial communities and content
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define social management theory
the idea that we take actions both consciously and unconsciously to influence how others perceive us.
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what are the five types of self-presentation?
real self
the ideal self
the false self (explore)
the false self (compare/impress)
the false self (deceive)
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what did Hayes et al. (2021) study and find?
- 13 parents, 14 teachers, 15 kids
- interview, stories of different situations
- adults mediating techniques shape children's own perceptions and behaviours
- too much focus on stranger danger
- children are less vocal about the benefits of SNS use
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


define adultism


the power adults have over children where they position children as passive within society

Card 3


What did the United Nations Convention in the Rights of the Child Charter do in 1989?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the age ranges for childhood, adolescence and adulthood?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why do adultists fear the digital age?


Preview of the front of card 5
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