Chemistry 1 - Plant oils

For chemistry 1 unit 6-Plant oils,GCSE,AQA.

Oil extracted from plants.
Vegetable Oil
1 of 9
plant oil whose molecules contain atleast one carbon-carbon double bond.
Unsaturated Oil
2 of 9
The process of reacting plant oils with hydrogen to raise their melting point.This is used to make spreadable margarine.
3 of 9
A mixture of liquids that do not dissolve in each other.
4 of 9
A substance which helps keep immiscible liquids (e.g. oil and water) mixed so that they do not separate out into layers.
5 of 9
The water-loving part of an emulsifier molecule.
6 of 9
The water-hating hydrocarbon part of an emusifier molecule.
7 of 9
A substance added to a food in order to preserve it or improve its taste, texture or appearance.
Food Additive
8 of 9
Number assigned to a food additive that has been approved for use in Europe. It is displayed on food packaging.
E numbers
9 of 9

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Card 2


plant oil whose molecules contain atleast one carbon-carbon double bond.


Unsaturated Oil

Card 3


The process of reacting plant oils with hydrogen to raise their melting point.This is used to make spreadable margarine.


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Card 4


A mixture of liquids that do not dissolve in each other.


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Card 5


A substance which helps keep immiscible liquids (e.g. oil and water) mixed so that they do not separate out into layers.


Preview of the front of card 5
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