Chemistry: Year 9 Term 1: Distillation & Fractional Distillation

What are the steps of distillation? (4)
1) Heat up solution, 2) Liquid evaporates, 3) Liquid condenses in Liebling condenser, 4) Liquid enters beaker, leaving solid behind
1 of 5
What does distillation separate? (1)
A mixture of liquids
2 of 5
What are the steps of fractional distillation? (3)
1) Liquid with lower boiling point starts evaporate and travel upwards, 2) These eventually get cooler, 3) Once they are cold enough to condense, they are removed
3 of 5
What does fractional distillation separate? (1)
A mixture of liquids
4 of 5
What is fractional distillation usually used to separate? (1)
Crude oil
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does distillation separate? (1)


A mixture of liquids

Card 3


What are the steps of fractional distillation? (3)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does fractional distillation separate? (1)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is fractional distillation usually used to separate? (1)


Preview of the front of card 5


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