Chemistry Paper Two

what are elements is group one called?
alkali metals
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four physical properties of alkali metals?
good conductors of heat and electricity, shines when freshely cut, soft, low melting point
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when alkali metals react with water what do they produce?
alkaline metal hydroxide and hydrogen
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when does the reactivity of the alkali metals increase?
reactivity increases down the group
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what happens to lithium?
fizzes steadily
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what happens to sodium?
melts into a ball from the heat released in the reaction and fizzes rapidly
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what happens to potassium?
gives of sparks and the hydrogen produced burns with a lilac and colorless flame
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what three alkaline metals are less dense that water?
lithium potassium sodium
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why are lithium potassium and sodium stored in oil?
to keep air and water away
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what are the non-metals in group 7 called?
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what are the properties going down group 7? 4 things
MP increase, BP increases, intermolecular forces between molecules become stronger, more heat energy is needed to overcome there forces
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what happens when simple molecular substance melt or boil?2 things
weak intermolecuar forces are overcome, strong covalent bonds joining atoms together in each molecule do not break
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what i the test for chlorine?
damp blue litmus paper urns red then bleaches white
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what is the test for starch iodide paper?
turns blue black in presence of chlorine
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what haogens react with metals what do they produce?
compounds called metal halides
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what are the elements in group 7 called?
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what are halides?
compounds of metals or hydrogen with halogen like sodium chloride
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what happens as you go down the group 7 ? 5 things
outer shells further from nucleus, more shielding by inner electrons, force of attraction between nucleus and outer shells electron gets weaker, electrons are gained less easily, elements become less reactive
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what happens to reaction down group 7?
reaction becomes less vigorous
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what happens to flourine?
reacts explosively in the dark
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what happens to chlorine?
reacts explosively in sunlight
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what happens to bromine?
reacts vigorously in a flame
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what do hydrogen halides dissolve in to produce acidic solutions
in water
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how to demonstrate a displacement reaction?
by adding a halogen solution to a metal halide solution
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what displces in chlorine and bromide?
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what reactins are halogen displacements reaction?
redox reactions
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what are noble gases?
chemically inert
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why are they not that reactive? 2 things
full outer shells, no tendency to lose gain or share electrons
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helium what you use it for properties and reason for use?
lifting gas, denser and inertness, not flammable and is less dense then air
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argon, krypton and xenon, use proeprties and reason?
filling gas(filament gas) , inertness, metal filament becomes hot enough to glow and inert gasses stop it burning away
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argon use properties and reason?
shield gas during weldin, inertness, argon denser than air keeps air away from metal and inert s does not corrode
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what must there be for a reaction to take place?2 things
reactants and collisions
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what is the activation energy from a reactor?
the minimum energy needed by reactant particles for reaction to happen
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what does a successful collision have?
has the activation energy or more
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greater the rate of reaction the?
lower the reaction time
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what reaction happen over a long time?
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what reaction happens in a short time?
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when does the rate of reaction increases by?
if concentration increases or if pressure of a reacting gas increases
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what does the rate of reaction increase?
when the temperature increasses because particles gain energy, particles move faster, collisions increase
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when does also the rate of reaction increase?
when surface area; volume ratio of a solid reactant increases
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if there is a arge peace what is the reaction?
smaller surface area so lower reaction
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if there is a smaller peace what is the reaction?
larger surface area so faster reaction
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what are endothermic reactions?
energy is given out and surroundings increased in temperature
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what is an endothermic reaction?
heat energy is taken in to surroundings decrease in temperature
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which reactions are both exo and endo?3 reactions
neutralisation, precipitation, dissolving
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which reaction is only exo?
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what happens when a chemical reaction happens?
bonds are broken and atoms come together ih a new arrangement
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draw exo?
reactants top products bottom
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drae endo?
reactants bottom products top
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what can you see in an exothermic reactions?
energy level of reactant greater than of products and energy change of reaction is negative
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what is activation energy?
is the minimum energy needed to start a reaction
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how can actication energy be supplied? 2 ways
heating, appltying flame or spark,
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what does endothermic reactions show?2 things
energy level of reactants is lower than products, energy change of reaction is positive
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what is bond energy?
is the energy needed to break 1 mole of a paricular covalent bond
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how much Kj is needed to heat 1 mole of C-H bonds
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C-H energy?
413 Kjmol -1
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H-H energy?
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0-H energy?
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0=0 energy?
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what is crude oil?
is a fossil fuel, formed over millions of years from marine organisms
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what are hydrocarbons?
are components of carbon and hydrogen atoms only
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How many covalent bonds can carbon atoms form?
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what do hydrocarbon molecules consist of?
chains or rings of carbon atoms
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what 3 things is crude oil?
a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, an impornant source of useful ubstances and an infinate source
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what are finite resource ?
no longer made or made extremely slowly
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what is feedstock?
feedstock is a starting material for an industrial chemical process
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what does petrochemical industry invovle?
the use and manufacture of substance from crude oil
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what is fractional distilation?
is used to separate crude oil into simpler useful mixtures
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why can crude oil be separated by fractional distillation?
because he hydrocarbon have different boiling points
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what happens during fractional distillation? 3 things
oil heated by evaporation, vapour rise in fractionating column, fraction condenses and leaves at the top
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what happens to the gases that do not condence?
leaves at the top
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what happens if the bitumen fraction does not evaporate?
leaves at the botton
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what is a fraction?
is a micture of hydrocarbons with similar boiling points and mixture of carbon atoms
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what are most of the hydrocarbons?
alkanes(a homologous series of compounds)
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what happens as the number of carbon and hydrogen atoms in a hydocarbon molecule increases? 3 things
strength of intermolecular forces increases, more energy must be transferred to overcome these forces, boiling oint inccreases
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what are alkanes?
alkanes are a homologous series of hydrocarbons
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what is a homologous series a series of components?2 things
show gradual variation in physical properties,similar chemical property
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what do alkanes undergo?
undergo complete combustion
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what do the names end in?
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single bonds only
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formula and reaction?
CnH2n+2,flammable and form Co2 and h2o hen burn completely
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what happens during incomplete combustion?
hydrocarbn fuel is oxidised to h2o vapour, carbon is oxidised to co2, energy is given out
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what happens during incomplete combustion?3 things
release soot, partially oxidised to monoxide co, less enrgy given out
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2 properties of carbon monoxide?
colourless, oudorless,
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how can acid rain be reduced?3
removing sulfer from petrol, preventing sulfern dioxide leaving power station, adding calcium carbonate or calcium hydroxide to fields and lakes
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what does acid rain cause?
speeds up weathering of buildings and statues, trees damaged, rivers more acidic harm organisms
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what are some fuels obtain from crude oil?3
petrol, diseal, fuel oil
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fossil fuel from natural gas?
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what is a good fuel? 3
burn easily, not produce soot, release a lot of enrgy
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how is hydrogen manufactured in what ways? 3
electrolysis of water,m cracking of oil fractions, reaction of natural gas with steam
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petrol 4 advatages?
burns easily, no ash, realeses more energy, liquid so easy to store
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disadvantage of petrol? 1
releases co2
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hydrogen advantages? 4
burns easy, no ash, only water produced, releases enrgy
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disadvanatfges of hydrogen?2
gas hard to store, filling station need to be adapted
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what is cracking?
process made out on fractions in oil refineries after fractional distialation
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what does cracking involve?
breaking down lager alkanes into smaller more useful alknes and alkenes
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what does cracking break?
breakes molecules by heating
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what does cracking produce?
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what are alkenes used to make?
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early atmospher gases? 4
little no o2, a lot of co2, water vapour, small amounts of other gases
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micture of gas released by volcanoes, atmosphers of other planets in our solar system
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explain from earth clouds and ocean forms?
photosynthesis and life in ocean begins, oxygen builds in ocean, oxygen builds in atmospher
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explain from c02 in ocean?
marrine organisms useed dissolved co2 ro make calcium carbonate, shells lls of dead marine orgnisms fall to the sea bed and become pqat of the sediment then become sedimentary rocks
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what do greenhouses do?
abrosrb heat radiated from the earth
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green house gas?3
co2, methane, water vapour
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what causes global warming?
increase in greenhouse effect
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what is global warming associated with?
long term changes to weather paterns, rising sea levels
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how can metal ions be identifies?
flame tests
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color of litium li+?
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sodium na+?
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potassium k+?
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calium ca2+?
orange- red
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copper cu2+?
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what metal ions are produced from sodium hydroxide solution?2
calcium ions(cu2+ aluminium al3+
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copper cu2+ color of precipotate ?
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iron(ii) fe2+? colour of recicpiate?
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iron(iii) fe3+ colour of precipiatte?
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what does aluminium hydroxide reactwith to form a colourless solution?
sodium hydroxide
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how can non-metal ions be identifies?
using simple laboratory tests
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how to test for sulfate and carbonate ions?
add dilute hydrocolirc acdid and the barium chloride solution (sulfate ions white precipitate()carbonate ions bubbles of co2)
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test for halide ions?
add dilute nitric acid then silver nitarte solution (cgloride, milj)(bromide,cream)(iodide, butter)
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test for ammonium ions?
add sodium hydroxide solution than heat so ammonium is produced
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how to detect if amooniam gas is prodoced?
damp red litmus paper turns blue
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how to detect is there is hydrogen chloride gas produced?
it racks with ammonia to form a white smoke of ammonium chlroide as ammoniam has a sharp smell
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advantadged of instrumental methods?3
sensistivity accuracy speed
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what is a flame photometry?
is an instruemnt mthod of analysis based on flame tests
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what is a flamce photometery?
is an instruments method of analysis based on flame stests
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how to carry it out? flame photometery
sample vaporised into hot flame a spectrum of light emitted by metal ions is produced and brightness of a particular wavelength is measured
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what can the data from a the flame can identify and determine?
identify metal ions present by comparing and determines the concentration or ions in solutions using a calibrateion curve
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what does it mean if the lines in refrence spectrum?
instrumental methods
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what are alkanes?
a homologous series of saturated hydrocarbons
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fromula for alkanes?
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draw butane molecules?
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what are alkenes?
are a homologous series of unsaturated hydrocarbons
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fromular of alkenes?
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draw proprane?
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what hapens in the complete combustion of alkenes?
carbon oxidised is co2 and hydrogen oxidised to water vapour
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what does alkenes react with to produce a colourless compounds?
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why can alkenes react with bromine?
alkenes because they are unsaturated
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what does unsaturated mean?
molecules contain the functonal group c=c conatins a double bond
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how to distinguish alkanes and alkenes?
add few drops of bromine water
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if alkane?
stays orange
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if alkene?
it is decolourised
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what are additioan polymers?
relatively large molecules made by co,ining smaller molecules conatining c=c bonds
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what is a polomer?
a substance of a huge avergae relative molecular mass mr made up of small repeating units
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what makes a polymer?
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poly(ethene) properties uses?
flexible cheap good celectrical insulators and plastic bags, plastic balls and cling film
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poly(propene) properties and uses?
flexible shatterproof high softeness point and bucket and bowls
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poly(chloreoethene)(PVC) properties and uses?
tough cheap long good electricl insulator and window frames , gutters pipes insulaatiin for electrical wires
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poly(tertrafluoreothene)(PTFE) properties and uses?
tough, slioerly, resistance to corrosion good electical insulator and non-stick coatings for pans, conatiners for corrosive substancees, insulation for electrical wires
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what are polyesters?
consensation polymers
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what are the two different monomers that a polyester needs?2
carboxylic acid and alcohol group
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carbolyxic acid?
c=o - o-h
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alcohol groups?
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what is an ester link?
ester links forms each time the two different monomers react together
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what forms at each time a ester link forms?
a molecule of water
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what are biological polymers?
biological polymers are naturally occuring condensations polymers
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what is the structure of a Dna?
double helix structure
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what is the polymer from dna what are the monomers called?
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what does dna look like?
cicle pentagon rectangel
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what are amino acids?
protein are polymers made from monomers
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what is the sugar monomer in starch?
starch is glucose
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what is crude oil? 3 things
finite resource, non-renewable resourcce, inported by users
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how do biodegradable nutrients rot away?
microbes feed on them which breaks them down
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advantages of artificial polymers are not biodegtadable?
objects made from polymers last a long time
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object mid from polymers do not break down easily hen disposed of?
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disposing of polymers advantages? 4
releases toxic gases, polymers not biodagradable, last for many years, running out of landfill sites
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landfill sites advantages? 2
waste disposed of quickly,waste is out of site one it is covered over
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landfill sites disadvatages? 3
space for landfill sites running out, polymers not biodagradable will last for many years, landfill sites are unsightly and attract pests
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what do alcohols form?
alcohols form a homologous series of compounds
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what do alcohols have?
functional group-OH and similar chemical properties
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end in ol
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hydroxide group -o-h
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what do methanol ethanol and propanol all?3
dissolve in water to form a petrol station, react with sodium na dproduce hydrogen, burn in air
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how can ethanol be oxidised to ethanoic acid?2
chimcals called oxidising agents, the action of microbes
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how is ethanol made?
produced from carbohydrates in aqueas solution by a process called fermentaion
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ethanol formular?
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what is fractional distillation used to obtain?
obtain a concentrated solution of ethanol
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why does it work?
ethanol has a lower boiling point then water
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what do carbolyxic acids from?
from a homolougous series of components
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what do carboxylic acids have?
functional group COOH, similar chemical properties
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carboxylic group c=o o=h
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to what thing do carboylic acids have the same properties?
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what do they produce when they react with carbolxylic?
salt+ h20+co2
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what do they react with to produce a salt and hydrogen?
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what do they dissolve in to produce acidic solutions?
in water
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what type of acids are caroxylic acids?
weak acids
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why are the weak acids?
befasue they only parially dissociate into ionic when they dissolve in water
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what are nano particles?
are structures consisting of only a few hundred atoms
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what are they useful for? 3
suncreens , lightweight strong materials, future drug delivery systems
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what surface area to volume ratio do they have?
large surface area; volume ratio
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what do the sa;vr make them useful as?
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hazards and risk or nanoparticles?3
breathing in or absorebed through skin, take a long time to break down, attract toxic substances to their surfaces
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how to calculate?
sa to vr = ttal sa/ volume
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properties of glass cermaic?2
transparent, hard but brittle and poor conductors heat and electricity (windoe glass bottles)
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transparen -transulecent9 opaque, poor conductores of heat and electricity, often tough and ductile (bottles, crates carrir bags)
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caly ceramics? 2
opaqur hard but brittle and poor conductors of heat and electricity(bricks china and porcelain)
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polished to shine, good conductors of heat and electricity, hard tough and ductile (cars bridges, electrical cables)
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see through
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lets light though but not detailed shapes
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opaque ?
does not let light thorugh
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crack or break when hit
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resists cracking and breaking
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can be bent twisted or stretched
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how many materials is a composite material made of?
two or more materials combines together with different properties
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


four physical properties of alkali metals?


good conductors of heat and electricity, shines when freshely cut, soft, low melting point

Card 3


when alkali metals react with water what do they produce?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


when does the reactivity of the alkali metals increase?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what happens to lithium?


Preview of the front of card 5
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