Chemistry - Global Warming

earth's temp is rising from emission of____ glasses
1 of 12
What will the effect be on the poles?
ice will melt faster then can be replenished, increasing water level
2 of 12
Rising sea levels risk flooding to lowland and coats. why are coastal floods so significant?
most populated areas - leads to coastal erosion
3 of 12
increase temp could also make extreme weather events more frequent. true?
yes - more water in air = more storms things will become dryer = more forest fires.
4 of 12
dry areas will get dryer and wetter areas will get wetter. ture?
5 of 12
growing seasons could shorten or lengthen and the amount of ___land will decrease.
6 of 12
how would wildlife be affected?
those who can't adapt quick enough would die out
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what are the two main things contributing to climate change?
methane from extracting fossil fuels/ cattle/ landfill sites. CO2 from burning fossil fuels
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climate change is irreversible. true?
9 of 12
to slow it down, we can either limit rate greenhouse gases are produced or....
capture and store the greenhouse gasses
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how can we limit greenhouse gas production? (carbon footprint)
lower carbon footprint by recycling, re-using things, increasing efficiency of objects, reduce consumption of objects, use renewable energy, use nuclear energy, catch and store carbon underground, use biofuels, more public transport
11 of 12
to reduce climate change we need industrial co-operation. what are the challengers with this?
cost and implementing (poorer countries can't afford methods), people uncomfortable with change (used to using fossil fuels), fairness (less developed countries might be unable to use methods)
12 of 12

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Card 2


What will the effect be on the poles?


ice will melt faster then can be replenished, increasing water level

Card 3


Rising sea levels risk flooding to lowland and coats. why are coastal floods so significant?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


increase temp could also make extreme weather events more frequent. true?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


dry areas will get dryer and wetter areas will get wetter. ture?


Preview of the front of card 5
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