Chemistry Tutorial Questions

  • Created by: MZia17
  • Created on: 03-11-18 13:39
Copper consists of 69% 63Cu and 31% 65Cu. What is the RAM of copper?
1 of 14
Vanillin contains 63.15% C, 5.30% H, and 31.55% O whether it is extracted from vanilla beans, synthesized chemically from clove oils, or extracted from wood pulp wastes. Vanillin is most likely to be
A compound of C, H, and O
2 of 14
What type of radioactive decay is shown in the following equation? 222 86Rn → 218 84 Po + 4 2He
3 of 14
The synthetic element with atomic number 119 will have chemical properties most similar to
4 of 14
The valency of arsenic is
5 of 14
A compound consists of 50% sulphur and 50% oxygen by mass. What is its empirical formula?
6 of 14
What is the mass percentage of oxygen in nitric oxide (NO)?
7 of 14
What type of radioactive process could be shown in the following (incomplete) equation? 125 53I →125 52Te
Beta plus emission
8 of 14
What is the percentage yield if 6 g lithium chloride is obtained from 20 g lithium hydroxide in the following reaction? LiOH + KCl = LiCl + KOH
9 of 14
How many electrons in an atom can have n = 5, l = 3?
10 of 14
What is the Aufbau principle?
When filling orbitals, electrons enter the lowest energy level first.
11 of 14
The electron configuration for manganese is:
12 of 14
The element with the electron configuration 1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p6,4s2,3d10 is
13 of 14
The quantum numbers n = 4, l = 1, ml = 1, s = ½ refer to an electron in which orbital?
14 of 14

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Card 2


Vanillin contains 63.15% C, 5.30% H, and 31.55% O whether it is extracted from vanilla beans, synthesized chemically from clove oils, or extracted from wood pulp wastes. Vanillin is most likely to be


A compound of C, H, and O

Card 3


What type of radioactive decay is shown in the following equation? 222 86Rn → 218 84 Po + 4 2He


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The synthetic element with atomic number 119 will have chemical properties most similar to


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Card 5


The valency of arsenic is


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