Physics and chemistry

  • Created by: KaddyCUb
  • Created on: 05-08-19 09:07

Along with the processes of differentiation of the chemical science itself, at present, they are going into integration processes of chemistry with other branches of natural science. Especially intensively develop the relationship between physics and chemistry. This process is accompanied by the emergence of more and more new related physicochemical branches of knowledge.

The whole history of interaction between chemistry and physics is full of examples of the exchange of ideas, objects, and research methods. At different stages of its development, physics supplied chemistry with concepts in theoretical concepts that had a strong impact on the development of chemistry. At the same time, the more complicated the chemical research, the more the apparatus and methods of calculation of physics penetrated chemistry. As write my paper for me says the need to measure the thermal effects of the reaction, the development of spectral and X-ray structural analysis, the study of isotopes and radioactive chemical elements, substance crystal lattices, molecular structures required creation and led to the use of the most complex physical instruments of spectroscopes, mass spectrographs, diffraction gratings, electron microscopes, etc.

The development of modern science has confirmed the deep connection between physics and chemistry. This connection is genetic, that is, the formation of atoms of chemical elements, their connection into substance molecules occurred at a certain stage in the development of the inorganic world. Also, this relationship is based on the common structure of specific types of matter, including molecules of substances, consisting ultimately of the same chemical elements, atoms, and elementary particles. The emergence of the chemical form of motion in nature has caused the further development of ideas about the electromagnetic interaction studied by physics. Based on the periodic law, progress is now being made not only in chemistry but also in nuclear physics, on the border of which mixed physicochemical theories such as isotope chemistry and radiation chemistry have emerged.

Chemistry and physics are studying almost the same objects, but only each of them sees its side, the subject of study, in these objects. So, the molecule is the subject of study not only chemistry but also molecular physics. If the former studies it from the point of view of regularities of formation, composition, chemical properties, bonds, conditions of its dissociation into constituent atoms, the latter statistically studies the behavior of the masses of molecules, causing thermal phenomena, various states of aggregation, transitions from gaseous to liquid and solid phases and back , phenomena not associated with changes in the composition of molecules and their internal chemical structure. The maintenance of each chemical reaction by mechanical movement of the masses of the reactant molecules, the release or absorption of heat due to rupture or the formation of bonds in new molecules strongly indicates the close relationship of chemical and physical phenomena. Thus, the energy of chemical processes is closely related to the laws of thermodynamics. Chemical reactions that occur with the release of energy, usually in the form of heat and light, are called exothermic. There…


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