Chemical reactions 2

When a student puts an iron nail outside for 3 weeks , which is the correct reaction?
Iron+ Oxygen = Iron Oxide
1 of 8
A student puts an an ice cube in a beaker and heats it until the ice melts. This is an example of:
An endothermic reaction
2 of 8
A student places a magnesium ***** into a flame. They see a bright intense light and a grey ash is left behind. This is an example of:
An exothermic reaction
3 of 8
In the reaction with magnesium above, heat is acting as a what?
4 of 8
On heating copper carbonate ( a green crystal) a black powder ( copper oxide) is formed. This equation is copper carbonate’= copper oxide +carbon dioxide. This is ana example of
Thermal decomposition
5 of 8
What two useful things are created by combustion?
Heat and light
6 of 8
A combustion reaction is when a substance reacts with…
7 of 8
A student measures equal
Amounts of substance A and B. They then chemically react these to form substance C and D. Which statement is true-
The mass of A+B = mass of C+D
8 of 8

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Card 2


A student puts an an ice cube in a beaker and heats it until the ice melts. This is an example of:


An endothermic reaction

Card 3


A student places a magnesium ***** into a flame. They see a bright intense light and a grey ash is left behind. This is an example of:


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


In the reaction with magnesium above, heat is acting as a what?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


On heating copper carbonate ( a green crystal) a black powder ( copper oxide) is formed. This equation is copper carbonate’= copper oxide +carbon dioxide. This is ana example of


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