  • Created by: rachel
  • Created on: 20-05-13 10:34
Congress (dominant branch) can...
Congress can override the presidential veto by a two-thirds majority of both houses, can impeach and remove and Senate can reject appointments by a simple majority and treaties by a two-thirds majority. Congress can conduct investigations int
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The Executive (President) can...
The president can veto acts of Congress, call a special sessions of Congress, implement congressional laws and, as one breach in Separation, the Vice President casts tie-breaking vote in Senate. With reference to the Supreme Court, the president
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The Judiciary (loosely the Supreme Court) can...
The Supreme Court can declare executive actions unconstitutional, issue warrants and the Chief Justice presides over impeachment. It can also declare laws unconstitutional.
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Do checks and Balances work?
According to Duncan Watts in 2006, they have proven to be effective in several ways; presidents have vetoed over 2,500 acts of Congress; Congress has overridden over 100 of these. The Supreme Courthas ruled more than 40 federal laws unconstitutional.
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Yet gridlock can and does happen between the branches of government as with Clinton and Gingrich in the mid 1990s as decisions must be based on consensus. Like Separation, checksand balances have not prevented the expansion of the presidency from the
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Card 2


The president can veto acts of Congress, call a special sessions of Congress, implement congressional laws and, as one breach in Separation, the Vice President casts tie-breaking vote in Senate. With reference to the Supreme Court, the president


The Executive (President) can...

Card 3


The Supreme Court can declare executive actions unconstitutional, issue warrants and the Chief Justice presides over impeachment. It can also declare laws unconstitutional.


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Card 4


According to Duncan Watts in 2006, they have proven to be effective in several ways; presidents have vetoed over 2,500 acts of Congress; Congress has overridden over 100 of these. The Supreme Courthas ruled more than 40 federal laws unconstitutional.


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Card 5


Yet gridlock can and does happen between the branches of government as with Clinton and Gingrich in the mid 1990s as decisions must be based on consensus. Like Separation, checksand balances have not prevented the expansion of the presidency from the


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