Chapter One - Components of a Computer System

Summary of the components of a computer system

  • Created by: CGB
  • Created on: 08-03-13 13:59
Explain what are the hardware of a computer system.
The physical parts that can be seen or touched, like the computer tower or printer.
1 of 9
State what part of a computer system an input device is.
A piece of hardware
2 of 9
State what part of a computer system an output device is.
A piece of hardware
3 of 9
Explain what is meant by computer software.
Instructions that the computer hardware needs to tell it what to do.
4 of 9
State what an Operating System is.
A program that allows the hardware of a computer system to work.
5 of 9
State what an applications software is.
A set of programs that allow the user to do something useful with the computer.
6 of 9
Explain what is meant by a peripheral device.
This is a piece of hardware outside of the main body of the computer.
7 of 9
State what is the purpose of an input device
A device so that the computer can be told what to do and what data to use
8 of 9
Explain why a storage device is needed on most computer systems.
So the computer can remember what is is meant to do when it is switched back on after being turned off.
9 of 9

Other cards in this set

Card 2


State what part of a computer system an input device is.


A piece of hardware

Card 3


State what part of a computer system an output device is.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Explain what is meant by computer software.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


State what an Operating System is.


Preview of the front of card 5
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