Changing Spaces, Making places

  • Created by: aminaamri
  • Created on: 11-05-17 11:58
What is the components of a place profile?
Demographic, Cultural, Politicals, Comparsion of ages and wealth, Income, Natural Characteristics, Built Characteristics, History, Deprivation
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What are the 5 factors that affect your perception of a place?
Age, Religion, Sexuality, Role, Gender
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What are 3 types of interaction creating place attachment?
Cognative, Behavioural, Emotional
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What are the levels of place attachment in descending order?
Highest (1)- Sacrifice for a place, 2. Attachment to a place, 3. Belonging to a place, Lowest (5) Lack of sense of place
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What are the place attachment factors?
Physical, Social, Cultural,Time, Personal, Memory & Experience, Place satisfaction and interactions with the place
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Define Globalisation.
The world becoming compressed into a single place. Connecting places that are physically disconnected.
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Define Electronic Globalisation.
The idea that the internet is connecting the world.
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Define time-space compression
The fact that due to technology, distance has become less & much easier faster to travel. This has come at the expense of others. Money is being invested into luxuries, while others do not have necessities.
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What are the 4 principles of McDonaldisation
1. Efficiency, 2. Calculability, 3. Control, 4. Predictability
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Formal representations of a place?
Cenus data, Geospatical data.
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Informal representations of a place
Tv, news, film. music, art, graffiti art, photography and Literature
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Methods of measuring inequalities
Education, healthcare, jobs, technologies and services, Home ownership, Gini Coefficient and human development index.
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What is an economic boom?
A boom occurs when the real national output is rising at a faster rate than the trend of the rate of growth
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What are characteristics of a boom?
Falling unemployment, Higher demand for capital goods, fast growth of consumption. higher demand for imports and tax revenues increase
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What is an economic recession?
A recession is a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and retail sales.
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What are characteristics of a recession?
Fall in purchases of components and raw materials, Rise in business failures, Rising unemployment, Falling tax revenue.
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What is the role of the government?
The government decides where tax revenues is spent- education, NHS, environment, defence, culture, streets, running of the government and Order & Safety.
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What is the national government in influencing economic change?
They decide the expenditure for certain areas. They control much of the spending. It provides the infrastructure and systems that facilitate economy activities.
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What are some of the government's objectives?
Lower unemployment. Lower prices and economic growth
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What is the Local Government's influence on economic change?
Each Council makes its own decisions based on the collective beliefs, advice it receives, various financial considerations, legislative powers
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What is an TNC/ MNC?
Is a coroprate enterprise that manages production or delivers services in more than 1 country
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What influence does tnc's have on local and national economies?
Nation and local governments often compete with one another to attract TNC's to their areas. They want TNC's in hteir areas because they increase employment in that area as well as to increase tax revenue and economic activity in that area.
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How do Local and national compete for TNC's?
They may offer incentives like: tax breaks, pledges of governmental assistance, subsidised infrastructure, lax environmental or labour regulations.
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What influence on World economy do TNC's have?
They cause economic globalisation- rapid increase in cross-border movement of goods, services, technology and capital. TNC's develop factories in developing countries so that they can access labour and materials more cheaply.
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Define Place Making.
When the community come together to make an area/place that fits and suits the economic, social, environmental and ecological needs of the area. It can be altered & adapted. Each place has their own way.
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What reasons are there to rebrand (rural)?
Few jobs, Low wages, Lack of skilled employment, Decline in farming, Seaside- fishing decline
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What are reasons to rebrand (urban)?
Competitive, Attracts investments, fresh image, high crime rates, Prevents McDonaldisations, removes bad coronations,.
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What are the aims of rebranding?
Promotion of the urban area or product. To attract new investments, shops, tourists or residents.
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What does rebranding do for an area?
Promotes rural tourism, adds local value & economic returns. Quaternary industry could possibly relocate. Increases employment & average wage. Improvements to the local skill level.
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Who are the players in rebranding?
There are locals, regional, national and international players
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Social reasons to rebrand?
High crime rate, antisocial behaviour, low achieving schools`
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Economic reasons to rebrand?
High unemployment, few jobs
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Environmental reasons to rebrand?
Disrepair & Neglect
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What are some strategies for rebranding?
Sport, Art, Retail, Architecture, Food.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the 5 factors that affect your perception of a place?


Age, Religion, Sexuality, Role, Gender

Card 3


What are 3 types of interaction creating place attachment?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the levels of place attachment in descending order?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the place attachment factors?


Preview of the front of card 5
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