changing nature and extent of trade

when was the seven years war
1 of 26
what was government debt 1763
157% of GDP
2 of 26
what did this rise to in 1821
3 of 26
what sailed from liverpool in 1798 and who owned it?
the lottery owned by Leyland
4 of 26
how many slaves did the lottery sell and for how much?
sold 453 slaves for £22,726
5 of 26
in 1766 how many members of parliament were claimed to be in the slave trade by the gentlemans magazine?
upwards of 40 members
6 of 26
name 3 people or institutions involed
william beckford twice lord mayor of london, richard neeve governor of bank of england and the church of england
7 of 26
when and who did the quakers join force with
1787 joined with wilberforce
8 of 26
when did wilberforce lainch his parliamentary campaign?
9 of 26
why was wilberforces timing bad?
france became republic 1792 and haiti went into rebellion so france emancipated all the slaves
10 of 26
why did abolition become pro-british position?
napolean had seized power and tried to restore slavery on haiti
11 of 26
when was the foreign slave trade bill introduced?
12 of 26
what was passed in 1807
slave trade act
13 of 26
how many ships would lose profit in 18th cent?
1 out of 10
14 of 26
how much money did merchants lose in liverpool 1778?
15 of 26
what book did adam smith publish in 1776
an iquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations
16 of 26
what were imports and exports in ireland 1790?
imports £3.8million and exports £4.9million
17 of 26
when did govt remove trade restrictions on ireland?
18 of 26
when were the whigs elected?
19 of 26
when was the anti-corn law league founded
20 of 26
who founded the conservative party and when?
Peel in 1834
21 of 26
how many import tariffs were abloished 1842-46?
22 of 26
what is salutary neglect?
didnt enforce navigation acts too strictly
23 of 26
which two major protectionist laws remained under peel?
sugar duties and the corn laws
24 of 26
what year were these duties finally abolished?
1846 via the importation act
25 of 26
how many died or immigrated in ireland 1845-52?
1 million died and 1 million emigrated
26 of 26

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what was government debt 1763


157% of GDP

Card 3


what did this rise to in 1821


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what sailed from liverpool in 1798 and who owned it?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


how many slaves did the lottery sell and for how much?


Preview of the front of card 5
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