Cardiovascular system

what is myogenic
capacity of the heart to generate its own impulses
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what is the sympathetic system
part of the autonomic nervous system that speeds up the heart rate
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what is the parasympathetic system
part of the autonomic nervous system that decreases the heart rate
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what is the medula oblangata
found in the middle of the brain that regulates the breathing and heart rate
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what is the baroreceptors
special sensors in the tisue to respond to changes in the blood pressure either decrease or increase
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what is chemorecpetors
tiny structures in the arotic arch that detect change sin the blood acidity
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what is proprioceptors
sensonry never endings in the muscles, that detect changes in muscle movement
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what is stroke volume
the volume of blood pumped out by the heart ventricles per contrationn
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what is adrenaline
a hormone that is released in the sympathetic nerves during exercise which can cause a increase in the heaert rate
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what is diastole phase
when the heart relaxes to fill up with blood
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what is ejection fraction
the percentage of blood pumped pout by the left ventricle
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what is cardiac output
the volume of blood pumped out by the heart ventricles per minute
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Cardiac hyperthrophy
thickening of the musclar walla of the heart to become bigger stronger which means larger ventricular cavity
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what is bradycarida
A decrease in the resting heart rate to below 60 beats per minute
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what is stroke
occurs when the blood supply is cut off by the brain
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what is steady state
able to meet oxygen demand with oxygen supply
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what is blood pressure
force exterted by the blood against the blood vessel walls
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what is systolic pressure
pressure in arteries when ventricles contract
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what is diastolic pressure
pressure in arteries when ventricles are relaxing
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what is haemoglobin
iron containing pigment in red blood cells which is the combination with oxygen to form oxyhaemoglobin
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what is bohr shift
increase in blood pressure and decrease in carbon dioxide and a decrease in ph levels.
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what is vasodilation
widening of blood vessels to increase blood flow in the capillaries
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what is vasoconstriction
narowing of the blood vessels to reduce blood flow in the capillaries
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


part of the autonomic nervous system that speeds up the heart rate


what is the sympathetic system

Card 3


part of the autonomic nervous system that decreases the heart rate


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Card 4


found in the middle of the brain that regulates the breathing and heart rate


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Card 5


special sensors in the tisue to respond to changes in the blood pressure either decrease or increase


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