carbohydrates and lipids

Describe how you would test a sample of food for the presence of starch?
Add iodine/ potassium iodine solution to the food sample, a blue/black indicatesstarch is present.
1 of 15
What is meant by a saturated fatty acid.
A saturated fatty acid does not have any double bonds between carbons in the hydrocarbon chain.
2 of 15
Omega-3 fatty acids are unsaturated. what is mesnt by unsaturated?
Double bonds between carbons in the hydrocarbon chain.
3 of 15
Some seeds contain lipids. Describe how you could use the emulsion test to show that a seed contains lipids.
First crush and grind the seeds with ethanol, then add water and shake. If lipids are present a white emulsion will form.
4 of 15
what are the differences between a triglyceride and a phospholipid.
fatty acid is removed in a phospholipid and is replaced with a phosphate group.
5 of 15
Hydrogen bonds are important in cellulose molecules, explain why?
holds chains/cellulose molecules together/ forms cross links between chains, providing strength/ rigidity to cellulose and the hydrogen bons are stron in large numbers.
6 of 15
The structure of cellulose is related to its role in plant cell walls. Explain how.
long straight/ unbranched chains of glucose are joined together by hydrogen bonds whoch form microfibrils/macrofibrils, whoch provides strength/rigidity/support.
7 of 15
explain one way in which starch molecules are adapted for their function in plant cells.
They are insoluble so dont affect water potential, helical so they are compact and large molecule so they can not leave the cell.
8 of 15
A starch molecule has a spiral shape. Explain why this shape is important to its function.
it is compact so it can occupy a small space and is tightly packed.
9 of 15
name the monosaccharides the make up maltose, lactose and sucrose
alpha glucose + alpha glucose, galactose + glucose and glucose + fructose.
10 of 15
what is the definition of a monomer?
monomers are small identical or similar molecules which can be joined together to make larger molecules.
11 of 15
what is the definition of a polymer?
polymers are large molecules made from joining many identical or similar monomers by a condensation reaction.
12 of 15
what is the general formula for carbohydrates.
13 of 15
what is a hydrolysis reaction?
A hydrolysis reaction involves adding one molecule of water to break the bond between two monomers.
14 of 15
what is a condensation reaction?
A condensation reaction joins two monomer units together with the removal of one water molecule.
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is meant by a saturated fatty acid.


A saturated fatty acid does not have any double bonds between carbons in the hydrocarbon chain.

Card 3


Omega-3 fatty acids are unsaturated. what is mesnt by unsaturated?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Some seeds contain lipids. Describe how you could use the emulsion test to show that a seed contains lipids.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what are the differences between a triglyceride and a phospholipid.


Preview of the front of card 5
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