
Which 3 elements do lipids contain?
Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
1 of 16
Are lipids soluble or insoluble in water?
2 of 16
What are the main group of lipids?
3 of 16
What is the main role for lipids?
Used in plasma membranes
4 of 16
What is the role of lipids as an energy source?
When oxidised they provide more energy than carbohydrates
5 of 16
What is the role of lipids in waterproofing?
They are insoluble in water and therfore useful in waterproofing eg.waxy cuticles on leaves
6 of 16
What is the role of lipids in insulation?
Fats are slow conductors of heat when stored beneath the body surface, they help to retain heat
7 of 16
What is the role of lipids in protection?
Fats are often stored around delicate organs
8 of 16
How do monosaturated and polyunsaturated differ?
Monosaturated has one double bond between carbons and Polyunsaturated has many
9 of 16
How are phospholipids similar to lipids?
They are similar except that one fatty acid molecule is replaced by a phosphate molecule
10 of 16
What part of a phospholipid interacts with water?
Hydrophillic head
11 of 16
What part of a phospholipd interacts with fat?
Hydrophobic tail
12 of 16
What bond joins the fatty acid tail to the head?
Hydrogen bond
13 of 16
What is the test for lipids?
Emulsion test
14 of 16
What is a positive result of the emulsion test?
Cloudy precipitate
15 of 16
What two arrangements can phosphlipids form?
Micelle and Bilayer
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Are lipids soluble or insoluble in water?



Card 3


What are the main group of lipids?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the main role for lipids?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the role of lipids as an energy source?


Preview of the front of card 5
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