Capercaillie - The Skye Waulking Song

What is the time signature?
12/8 - a compound time (4 beats in a bar)
1 of 10
What are the 3 chords that it is mostly based on?
C, Em, G
2 of 10
How many verses and instrumental sections does it have?
8 Verses, 1 instrumental section
3 of 10
What does it open and end with?
Opens with an intro, fades with an outro
4 of 10
What is The Skye Waulking Song from?
A collection of Gaelic Folk Songs
5 of 10
What type of song is it?
A Work song sung by women workers processing cloth
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What two types of instruments does this song combine?
Rock and folk
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What are the rock instruments that are used?
Synthesiser, Wurlitzer piano, Bass, Drum kit
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What are the acoustic instruments that are used?
Violin, accordion, pipes, Bouzouki
9 of 10
What Gaelic influences does this song include?
Compound time signature, pentatonic vocal line, use of a refrain, use of nonsense words in refrains, narrative element, use of a scotch snap rhythm
10 of 10

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Card 2


What are the 3 chords that it is mostly based on?


C, Em, G

Card 3


How many verses and instrumental sections does it have?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does it open and end with?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is The Skye Waulking Song from?


Preview of the front of card 5
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