Cage Sonatas Test

INSTRUMENT - Type of Piano
Prepared Piano
1 of 30
INSTRUMENTS - The prepared piano makes the piece sound more like a _____ ensemble?
2 of 30
INSTRUMENTS - What effect does the prepared piano have on note lengths
Decreases the note lengths
3 of 30
INSTRUMENTS - What effect does the structure and prepared overall have?
4 of 30
Structure of the Piece
Rounded Binary
5 of 30
Melodic lines?
No distinguishable melodic lines
6 of 30
Specific type of structure for this piece (not rounded binary)
Micromacro cosmic structure
7 of 30
Magic number for sonata 1
8 of 30
Magic number for sonata 2
9 of 30
Magic number for sonata 3
10 of 30
An example of a non-distinguishable chord, and why?
A Minor 7th in b.20, not recognisable due to prepared piano creating distorted sounds.
11 of 30
b.17 sonata 2 effect?
Ostinato acts as a pedal
12 of 30
The ___ can't be defined by ___
The structure can't be defined by tonality
13 of 30
Harmonic feel in Sonata 2
Pentatonic feel
14 of 30
RHYTHM - There are frequent changes in -
Time signature
15 of 30
What effect does the changes in time signature have
You can't follow the piece to a pulse or rhythm
16 of 30
Bar 17 Sonata 1 RHYTHM
17 of 30
Rhythmic effect in the opening of sonata 2
18 of 30
B.7 of sonata 2, what is happening with the melody?
Metrical Displacement
19 of 30
Rhythm in b.10 Sonata 2
20 of 30
What is happening in bar 14 of Sonata 3
Retrograde of b.13
21 of 30
b.22 of Sonata 3, the ascending melodic line is an ___
Augmentation of the demi-semiquavers in the opening of sonata 3.
22 of 30
What type of rhythm is found in bar 18 of Sonata 3
Complex Rhythm
23 of 30
Texture at the start of Sonata 2
24 of 30
Bars 14-15 of Sonata 3 are a ___
25 of 30
The demisemiquaver melody at the start of Sonata 3 is frequently___
26 of 30
In the opening bars of Sonata 3, the A in the LH piano is an ___
Inverted Pedal
27 of 30
The texture in b.30 of sonata 2 is ___
28 of 30
The Majority of the texture in Sonata 3 is ___
29 of 30
What century did John Cage compose in?
20th Century
30 of 30

Other cards in this set

Card 2




INSTRUMENTS - The prepared piano makes the piece sound more like a _____ ensemble?

Card 3


Decreases the note lengths


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4




Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Rounded Binary


Preview of the back of card 5
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