C2 - polymers and nanoparticles

Name 3 properties of thermosoftening polymers
weak intermolecular forces, easy to melt, can be remoulded many times
1 of 8
Name 3 properties of thermosetting polymers
crosslinks between chains, strong intermolecular forces, rigid
2 of 8
How is low density plythene made?
heating ethene to 200⁰C under high pressure
3 of 8
Give two uses of high density plythene
water tanks and drainpipes
4 of 8
What are nanoparticles made of?
carbon atoms
5 of 8
What size are nanoparticles?
1-100 nanometeres across
6 of 8
How are the carbon atoms arranged?
in hexagonal rings
7 of 8
What shapes can fullerenes take?
hollow balls or closed tubes
8 of 8

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Card 2


Name 3 properties of thermosetting polymers


crosslinks between chains, strong intermolecular forces, rigid

Card 3


How is low density plythene made?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Give two uses of high density plythene


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are nanoparticles made of?


Preview of the front of card 5
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