C2 3.1 - C2 3.8

  • Created by: Basital
  • Created on: 24-10-16 23:18
What is the atomic number of an atom?
The number of protons
1 of 25
What is the mass number of an atom?
The total number of proton and neutrons in its nucleus
2 of 25
What are isotopes?
Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons
3 of 25
What is the relative mass of a proton?
4 of 25
What is the relative mass of a Neutron?
5 of 25
What is the relative mass of an Electron?
very small
6 of 25
What do isotopes always have?
The same atomic numbers but different mass number.
7 of 25
Why don’t symbol equations tell us directly what mass of each reactant to use in a chemical reaction?
Atoms of different elements have different masses.
8 of 25
What is different about samples of different isotopes?
Physical properties
9 of 25
What is the same about samples of different isotopes?
Chemical properties
10 of 25
What does Ar stand for?
Relative atomic masses
11 of 25
How do we work out the Ar(Relative atomic mass) of a compound?
By adding up the relative atomic masses of the elements in it, in the ratio shown by its formula
12 of 25
What is the percentage yield of a reaction?
How much product is made compared the maximum amount that could be made
13 of 25
What is the molecular formula?
The ratio of elements that are in a compound
14 of 25
Why do we need to balance chemical equations?
Conservation of mass
15 of 25
What is the yield of a chemical reaction?
How much product is made
16 of 25
Why is it important to maximize yield?
To conserve the Earth's limited resource and reduce pollution
17 of 25
What is a reversible reaction?
When reactants of the products can react to make the original reactants again
18 of 25
What symbol do we use to show a reversible reaction?
Two arrows on parallel, the top facing to the right, and the bottom to the left
19 of 25
What is a E number?
A food additive added to improve the appearance or shelf life
20 of 25
What is a Food additive?
A substance added to food in order to preserve or improve its taste, texture or appearance
21 of 25
What is paper chromatography?
A technique used to identify food additives
22 of 25
How can compounds in a mixture be separated?
Gas chromatography
23 of 25
Once separated, how can compounds be identified?
Mass Spectromer
24 of 25
What does the mass spectrometer find in a compound?
Molecular ion peak
25 of 25

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the mass number of an atom?


The total number of proton and neutrons in its nucleus

Card 3


What are isotopes?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the relative mass of a proton?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the relative mass of a Neutron?


Preview of the front of card 5
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