Business Studies

Field Research - meaning
Research gathered first hand (gathered the information yourself) - example: questionnaires, pictures, surveys, interviews.
1 of 10
Field Research - positives
Reliable - you gathered the information yourself so you can ask a large amount of people, meaning the answers will be more reliable.
2 of 10
Field Research - negatives
Time and effort - you have to collect all the information yourself. Unreliable - people could make up the answers. Expensive - paper for printing out questionnaires etc.
3 of 10
Stakeholders - meaning
An individual or organisation that can influence a business.
4 of 10
Stakeholders - examples
Owners, Managers, Employees, Pressure Groups, Local Community, Government, Banks, Suppliers, Shareholders, Customers.
5 of 10
Statutory Deductions
Tax money taken off your wages / salary. It is deducted by law. Business' pay cooperation tax. People pay National Insurance (goes towards hospitals, schools etc.
6 of 10
Something tangible - you can touch it and pick it up - example is going to the shop and buying a PRODUCT.
7 of 10
Something that is not tangible - examples; having your hair cut (hairdressers) or getting your teeth checked (dentist) - it still costs money.
8 of 10
Entrepreneur - meaning
Someone who owns their own business and thought of it by themselves. They need a unique selling point and look where there is a gap in the market.
9 of 10
Entrepreneurs - examples
Levi Roots - started up his own Jamaican style sauces and foods.
10 of 10

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Card 2


Reliable - you gathered the information yourself so you can ask a large amount of people, meaning the answers will be more reliable.


Field Research - positives

Card 3


Time and effort - you have to collect all the information yourself. Unreliable - people could make up the answers. Expensive - paper for printing out questionnaires etc.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


An individual or organisation that can influence a business.


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Card 5


Owners, Managers, Employees, Pressure Groups, Local Community, Government, Banks, Suppliers, Shareholders, Customers.


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