
  • Created by: Wiinn
  • Created on: 13-03-18 12:29
Business Vocabulary
Words & Definitions
1 of 13
Leadership (Leaders)
A person who sets the overall company vision and targets and makes decisions on how the vision can be met
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Management (Managers)
A person who is responsible for controlling and using resources (including staff) as productively as possible
3 of 13
Theory X
Workers are considered to be lazy and motivated mainly by money (e.g. piece rate)
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Theory Y
Workers are considered to be ambitious and hard working, motivated by non-financial motivation such as job enrichment
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Is the way a business operates in order to achieve its aims and objectives
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Used to identify and analyse the internal Strength and Weaknesses of organisation, as well as the external Opportunities and Threats created by the business and economic environment
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Porter's Fives Force
A model for assessing the competitive strength and position of a business, in relation to customers, suppliers and competitors
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Ansoff Matrix
A marketing planing model that helps a business determine its product and market strategy
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Analysis describes a framework of macro environmental factors used in the environmental scanning component of strategic management
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Behaviour involve actions and decisions that are seen to be morally correct
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Decision Trees
Are diagrams that set out all the options available when making a decisions, including as estimate of their likelihood of occurring
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Critical path analysis
Identifies the precise sequence of activities that need to be completed within a strict time-frame and the best way to avoid any unnecessary delay
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Card 2


A person who sets the overall company vision and targets and makes decisions on how the vision can be met


Leadership (Leaders)

Card 3


A person who is responsible for controlling and using resources (including staff) as productively as possible


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Workers are considered to be lazy and motivated mainly by money (e.g. piece rate)


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Workers are considered to be ambitious and hard working, motivated by non-financial motivation such as job enrichment


Preview of the back of card 5
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