brain biology

where is the cerebral cortex placed?
what are its functions?
the cerebral cortex is placed at the top
it controls emotions, intelligence, language and personality.
1 of 15
where is the cerebellum?
what are its functions?
the cerebellum is at the back.
it controls co-ordination, balance and muscle movement.
2 of 15
where is the hypothalamus?
what are its functions?
its placed in the middle.
it controls the temperature of the centre of your body
3 of 15
where is the medulla?
what is its function?
its placed in the brain stem.
controls unconscious activities such as breathing and beating of the heart.
4 of 15
what does the right hemisphere (cerebral cortex) control?
it controls the muscles on the left side of our body
5 of 15
what does the left hemisphere control
controls the muscles on the right side of our body
6 of 15
what connects the brain to the spinal cord?
brain stem
7 of 15
what makes up the central nervous system?
the brain and the spinal cord.
8 of 15
how do we stimulate parts of the brain?
putting a tiny electrode to stimulate the part of the brain and show if that part works. for example:
muscle co-ordination.
9 of 15
how do doctors scan the brain to acknowledge the damage that has been done to the brain.
list as many as you can
CT scans,
PET scans,
MRI scans
10 of 15
how do CT scans work?
uses X-ray scans
11 of 15
how do PET scans work?
uses radioactive chemicals to highlight brain activity
12 of 15
how do MRI scans work?
uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to detect underlying activity and brain activity
13 of 15
Why is it so difficult to treat the brain physically?
As the brain is in our skull. the surrounding brain tissue is very fragile. this makes it very difficult for surgeries.
14 of 15
why is it risky if we use drugs and chemicals to treat the brain?
As the brain is so complex and we don't fully understand it, its difficult to treat it with drugs and chemicals because we don't understand the underlying processors.
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


where is the cerebellum?
what are its functions?


the cerebellum is at the back.
it controls co-ordination, balance and muscle movement.

Card 3


where is the hypothalamus?
what are its functions?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


where is the medulla?
what is its function?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what does the right hemisphere (cerebral cortex) control?


Preview of the front of card 5
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