Other questions in this quiz

2. Attachments acts as...

  • an insecure base to build other relationships on
  • dependence on the mother for life.
  • a secure base from which a child can explore the world and return when they feel threatened.
  • a secure base from which a child can explore the room.

3. Bowlby's theory can be supported by...

  • Harlow's study which helps support the idea of secondary attachments and caregiver sensitivity
  • Rutter's study into mutiple attachments which showed all attachment figures were of equal importance.

4. A criticism of Harlow's study as supporting research is...

  • it used animals and therefore provides no evidence
  • it was a natural experiment using animals
  • it used animals and thus cannot be generalized onto humans
  • it used animals and therefore is bias

5. What do social releasers do?

  • elicit a secure base
  • elicit a caregiving reaction or response
  • elicit a good attachment
  • elicit imprinting


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