Booklet 8 crime and deviance crime stats

  • Created by: a1ice.123
  • Created on: 12-06-23 14:46
How many people take part in the CSEW?
Takes place annually with strucutred interviews (since covid its been telephone structured interviews) with 1,000 respondents invited to take part in each police area.
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What would theorists say about the CSEW?
Positivists in favour, follows poppers law of science. is repeatable therefore quantifiable which to positivists is the most important thing. Interprevists say qualitative more important. Social constructionists say doesn't need to be quantitative n follo
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how many crimes were solved in 2015?
According to the PCRS data only 27% of crimes were cleared up, that doesn't even account for the 6/10 crimes that go unrecorded.
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Why might the trends of crime stats from the PRCS be unreliable
show apparent increase or decrease in crime not actual. Just more people recoding the crime (such as black muggings after moral panic in the 1970s) or the police are just recording more of a certain crime like prositiution due to zero tolerance policies.
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when do moral panics have a good effect?
after Jimmy Savile was exposed there was huge publication in the media which lead to a moral panic and this lead to social policies such as a crack down in safeguarding to be improved.
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what has feminism done to sex crimes?
made it a public matter not a private matter. the case of r v r meant that marital r*pe was outlawed in 1991.
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examples of things that became illegal which would have had an apparent increase on crime.
Drink driving- made illegal in 1967 (1 year before mum was born) obv took a while for people to adjust to the law therefore leading to an apparent increase in crime. texing n driving was made illegal in 2003.
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how has reporting crimes been made easier.
Tech, can do it from the comfort of own home. online. have anonymity.
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what is now used to make it easier to find the perpetrator
smartwater, glows florescent under uv light, thieves wont touch it. DNA sampling improved sm over the last sixty years.
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what does the CSEW estimate the cleanup rate is for crimes?
only 3% because 6/10 crimes go unrecorded therefore they can't be solved by police.
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why are victim surveys better than self report studies?
No one wants to freely admit that they're a criminal, apart from perhaps teenage boys who think it's cool because they're in subcultures where crime = status (cohen structural theorist)
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Card 2


What would theorists say about the CSEW?


Positivists in favour, follows poppers law of science. is repeatable therefore quantifiable which to positivists is the most important thing. Interprevists say qualitative more important. Social constructionists say doesn't need to be quantitative n follo

Card 3


how many crimes were solved in 2015?


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Card 4


Why might the trends of crime stats from the PRCS be unreliable


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Card 5


when do moral panics have a good effect?


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