BMS303 Lecture 3: Ion Selectivity and Permeability

  • Created by: Mollie
  • Created on: 28-12-17 19:02
What is ion channel selectivity?
Selectivity is a measure of how easily the ion enters the pore, it is determined by reversal potential
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What is ion channel permeability?
Permeability is a measure of how easily the ion moved through the channel and is determined by current magnitude9§
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If an ion channel's Vrev is close to the Nernest potential which the ion is selective for, what does it suggest about the channel?
It suggests that the channel is highly selective for the ion
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What equation can be used to find the Vrev of an ion channel?
The Goldman equation,
4 of 5
Goldman(B) - Goldman(A) = Shift Vrev, Goldman A and B represent two different experimental conditions, what does it show?
relative selectiviy
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is ion channel permeability?


Permeability is a measure of how easily the ion moved through the channel and is determined by current magnitude9§

Card 3


If an ion channel's Vrev is close to the Nernest potential which the ion is selective for, what does it suggest about the channel?


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Card 4


What equation can be used to find the Vrev of an ion channel?


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Card 5


Goldman(B) - Goldman(A) = Shift Vrev, Goldman A and B represent two different experimental conditions, what does it show?


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