
1. Why do multicellular organisms need specialised transport systems?

  • SA:V ratio gets smaller as the organism gets bigger so diffusion distance increases- diffusion no longer effective
  • Waste products don't need to be transported to the excretory organs
  • Digested food is only needed by some cells for respiration
1 of 18

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2. What is the oncotic pressure?

  • The tendency of water to move into the blood by osmosis
  • The movement of water from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentraion

3. How does lymph travel through the lymphatic system?

  • Contraction of skeletal muscles through lymph vessels
  • Contraction of the heart through lymph vessels
  • Contraction of smooth muscle through lymph vessels

4. What substance is NOT forced out of the arterial end of the capillaries?

  • Dissolved oxygen
  • Amino acids
  • Plasma proteins
  • White blood cells

5. Where are lymph nodes found?

  • Along the lymph vessels
  • Along the capillary bed
  • In the blood


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