Blood & Blood Vessels

  • Created by: Saarah17
  • Created on: 03-11-22 17:47
What gives the blood group its name?
The type of antigen
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Why would it be unsafe to transfuse B type blood into a patient with A blood group?
Can cause a blood clot -> coagulation
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Why would it be safe to transfuse B type blood into a patient with AB blood group?
AB contains traces of B type blood.
Have no antibodies so a blood clot wouldn’t be formed.
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Why is blood group AB the ‘universal recipient’?
Can accept blood from anyone because they have no antibodies
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Why is blood group O the ‘universal donor’?
No antigens on the red blood cell
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Why is it important that there are ‘universal donor’s and recipients’s’?
For donations
More transfusions safer in the case of an accident
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Card 2


Why would it be unsafe to transfuse B type blood into a patient with A blood group?


Can cause a blood clot -> coagulation

Card 3


Why would it be safe to transfuse B type blood into a patient with AB blood group?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why is blood group AB the ‘universal recipient’?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why is blood group O the ‘universal donor’?


Preview of the front of card 5
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