Black Panther methods


1. which one of these is a repsponce from LA goverment

  • felt threatened and attempted to ban them
  • felt it was ruining their reputation and so tried to arrest them
  • tried to arrest them
  • felt they were going to try and take over police force
1 of 13

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2. which one of these is not a city that had support for patrol

  • Richmond
  • Albany
  • Oakland
  • Berkeley

3. programs were funded by local businessmen and what celeb examples

  • Richard Hendrix , Jimi brown and James Pryor
  • Richard Pryor, Jimi Hendrix and James Brown
  • Jimi Hendrix and James Brow
  • Richard Pryor and James Brown

4. what was publicity gained from patrol

  • when newton was imprisoned
  • when newton murder someone
  • when newton was arrested
  • 'Free Hue'

5. which one of these is the way they achieved the design for partol

  • would call Newton as he had Law books in his car
  • would observe incident and question them
  • would beat police up
  • would campaign


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