Bioscience - Respiratory 2020

The consumption of oxygen and production of carbon dioxide by metabolism within the mitochondria is known as
Cell respiration
1 of 20
The functional unit of the respiratory system is the
2 of 20
The oxygen concentration in atmospheric air is approximately
3 of 20
The blood circulation to and from the lungs is known as the
Pulmonary circulation
4 of 20
The substance secreted into the fluid lining the alveoli that prevents their collapse is known as
5 of 20
The proportion of a gas in a mixture of gases is known as the
Partial pressure
6 of 20
The globular protein responsible for transport of oxygen in blood is known as
7 of 20
The trachea has multiple horseshoe rings supporting the muscle tissue, they are made from
8 of 20
The gas exchange process at the level of the capillary and the body tissues is called
Internal respiration
9 of 20
The trachea is lined with
Ciliated epithelium
10 of 20
Among the tracheal lining cells are mucous producing cells called
Goblet cells
11 of 20
The pleural membrane closest to the lung tissue is called
Visceral membrane
12 of 20
The movement of air into the lungs occurs because
The lung capacity is increased by the diaphragm and intercostal muscles reducing pressure inside the lungs
13 of 20
Air movement in ventilation is based on
Pressure gradients
14 of 20
The products of cell respiration are
Carbon dioxide and water
15 of 20
The nasal cavity contains narrow passageways lined with moist tissue to warm and humidify the incoming air. These passageways are called:
Nasal turbinates or conchae
16 of 20
The structure that protects the tracheal opening from food entrance is called the
The epiglottis
17 of 20
The widened section of the trachea that houses the opening is called the
The larynx
18 of 20
The nostril is called the
The external naris
19 of 20
The internal architecture of the nasal cavity is formed by which bone
The ethmoid bone
20 of 20

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Card 2


The functional unit of the respiratory system is the



Card 3


The oxygen concentration in atmospheric air is approximately


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Card 4


The blood circulation to and from the lungs is known as the


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The substance secreted into the fluid lining the alveoli that prevents their collapse is known as


Preview of the front of card 5
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