Biology Unit 2a Flashcards

What does the Nucleus contain?
Genetic material that controls the activity of the cell.
1 of 50
What is the Cytoplasm?
A gel-like substance where most of the chemical reactions happen (contains enzymes).
2 of 50
What does the cell membrane do?
Holds the cell together and controls what goes in and out.
3 of 50
What are the mitochondria?
the place where most of the reactions take place for respiration. (Releases the energy the cell needs to work.)
4 of 50
What are ribosomes?
The place where the proteins are made.
5 of 50
In plants, what is the rigid cell wall made of?
Cellulose. It supports and strengthens it.
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What does the permanent vacuole contain?
Cell sap, a weak solution of sugar and salts.
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What happens at the chloroplasts?
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What do chloroplasts contain?
A green substance called chlorophyll.
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Yeast is a ? celled organism?
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What do yeast cells consist of?
A nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane and cell wall.
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What do bacteria cells not have?
A nucleus.
12 of 50
What do bacteria cella consist of?
A cytoplasm, cell membrane and cell wall.
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What is diffusion?
The spreading out of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
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What form does diffusion happen in?
Solutions & gasses.
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What causes a faster diffusion rate?
The bigger the difference in concentration.
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What do cell membranes do?
Hold the cell together and let stuff in and out too.
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Dissolved substances can move in and out of cells by...?
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What examples of small molecules can diffuse through cell walls?
Oxygen, glucose, amino acids & water.
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What molecules cant fit through cell membrane?
Starch and proteins. (big molecules)
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What does it mean if there are a lot more particles on one side of the membrane?
Theres a net (overall) movement from that side.
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What are palisade leaf cells adapted for?
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Why are most chloroplasts at the top of the cell in plants?
So they're closer to the light.
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What does a tall shape and large surface area help with in leaves?
Absorbs more C02
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What is the purpose of having a thin shape (leaf cell)?
So more can be at the top of the leaf where most of the photosynthesis happens.
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What are guard cells adapted to do?
Open and close pores.
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What happens when plants have lots of water?
The guard cells fill it with turgid (making it go plump)
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What do guard cells do when a plant is short of water?
The guard cells become flaccid, making the stomata close. This means water vapour doesn't escape.
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What shape are red blood cells?
Concave with a large surface area.
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What are red blood cells packed with?
Haemoglobin - the pigment that absorbs oxygen.
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Why do red blood cells have no nucleus?
To leave more room for haemoglobin.
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What reserves does the egg cell contain?
Food reserves.
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What do sperm carry on their heads?
Enzymes to digest through the egg cell membrane.
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What is the process in which cells become specialised?
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What is a tissue?
A group of cells that work together to carry out a particular function.
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Give three examples of tissues and their job in the stomach.
Muscular tissue (moves stomach to churn up food) , glandular tissue (makes digestive juices), epithelial tissue (covers outside/inside of stomach).
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What is an organ system.
A group of organs working together to perform a particular function.
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What does the liver produce?
38 of 50
What does the small intestine do?
Absorbs soluble food molecules.
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What does the large intestine do?
Absorbs water from undigested food. (leaving faeces)
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What are plants made up of?
Organs such as stems, roots and leaves.
41 of 50
What is mesophyll tissue?
Where most photosynthesis occurs.
42 of 50
What do the xylem and phloem do?
transport water, mineral ions and sucrose around the plant.
43 of 50
what does epidermal tissue cover?
The whole of the plant.
44 of 50
What does chlorophyll do?
Absorbs sunlight and converts carbon dioxide and water into glucose.
45 of 50
What is the equation for photosynthesis?
Carbon Dioxide+water -----------(sunlight/chlorophyll)---------- Glucose + oxygen
46 of 50
What is a limiting factor?
Something that is stopping photosynthesis from happening any faster.
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How can plants use glucose?
For respiratio, making cell walls, making proteins, to be stored in seeds, and stored as starch.
48 of 50
What factors affect where an organism is found?
Temperature, water, oxygen and C02 levels, nutrients, amount of light.
49 of 50
What do you use quadrats for?
Studying the distribution of small organisms.
50 of 50

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the Cytoplasm?


A gel-like substance where most of the chemical reactions happen (contains enzymes).

Card 3


What does the cell membrane do?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the mitochondria?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are ribosomes?


Preview of the front of card 5
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