Biology Notes

  • Created by: kaka123
  • Created on: 08-04-14 13:07
What is cardiovascular disease (CVD's)?
Diseases of heart & circulation. E.g. coronary heart dieases & strokes
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Closed Circulatory Systems
Blood is enclosed within tubes. Generating higher blood pressure as blood forced along narrow channels instead of filling cavities. Blood travels faster. Blood system more efficient at delivering substances around body.
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Single Circulatory Systems (fish)
Closed circulatory system with either single or double circulation. Blood flows through the heart once for each complete circuit.
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Double Circulatory Systems (birds & mammals)
Has a double circulation system. right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood to lungs where receives oxygen. oxygenated blood returns to heart and pumped a second time to rest of the body
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Card 2


Blood is enclosed within tubes. Generating higher blood pressure as blood forced along narrow channels instead of filling cavities. Blood travels faster. Blood system more efficient at delivering substances around body.


Closed Circulatory Systems

Card 3


Closed circulatory system with either single or double circulation. Blood flows through the heart once for each complete circuit.


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Card 4


Has a double circulation system. right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood to lungs where receives oxygen. oxygenated blood returns to heart and pumped a second time to rest of the body


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5




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