Biology Definitions

Acoustic Coding
involves coding information in terms of the way it sounds
1 of 10
behaviours that are valuable in helping us adjust to the environment in which we live
2 of 10
Affectionless Psychopaths
individuals who experience little guilt or emotion, lack normal affection and are unable to form lasting relationships with others
3 of 10
Alternative Hypothesis
a prediction about what is expected to happen with the samples being studies
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a state of readiness in which an organism is ready for 'fight or flight'
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the narrowing of coronary arteries owing to an accumulation of fatty substances
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Behavioural model
a model that explains abnormality in terms of the development of behaviour patterns - established through classical and operant conditioning - that are considered maladaptive for the individual
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Bond Disruption
the loss of emotional care that may accompany separation and lead to deprivation
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a measure of the amount that can be held in memory; measured in terms of bits of information such as number of digits
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Caregiver Sensitivity Hypothesis
the belief that sensitive caregiving is more crucial than the amount of time a person spends with a child
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Card 2


behaviours that are valuable in helping us adjust to the environment in which we live



Card 3


individuals who experience little guilt or emotion, lack normal affection and are unable to form lasting relationships with others


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Card 4


a prediction about what is expected to happen with the samples being studies


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Card 5


a state of readiness in which an organism is ready for 'fight or flight'


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