BIOLOGY 5: Phototropism & Auxins

What is phototropism?
Growth towards or away from light
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What does 'positively phototropic' mean?
Grows towards light
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What does 'negatively phototropic' mean?
Grows away from light
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What part of a plant is positively phototropic?
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What part of a plant is negatively phototropic?
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Why is positive phototropism in shoots important for a plant's survival?
Photosynthesis occurs mainly in leaves, and sunlight is needed for photosynthesis, therefore shoots (which grow leaves), need to grow towards light
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Why is negative phototropism in roots important for a plant's survival?
Plants need nutrients and water from the soil, so the roots need to grow away from the light and down into the soil where they can absorb water and nutrients
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What are auxins?
Plant growth hormones
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What do auxins control?
Growth near the tips of shoots and roots
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Which way to auxins diffuse from the tips of shoots and roots?
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Why do auxins diffuse backwards?
To stimulate the cell elongation process
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Where does cell enlongation in plants occur?
Just behind the tips
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If the tip of a shoot is removed, what may happen to the shoot and why?
It may stop growing because there are no auxins available
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Which responses in plants are auxins involved in?
Light, gravity and water
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When a shoot tip is exposed to light, which side to most auxins to go?
The shaded side
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Why do most auxins go to the shaded side when a shoot tip is exposed to light?
So it will grow faster on the shaded side, and the shoot will grow towards the light
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does 'positively phototropic' mean?


Grows towards light

Card 3


What does 'negatively phototropic' mean?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What part of a plant is positively phototropic?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What part of a plant is negatively phototropic?


Preview of the front of card 5
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