biology 2

featal dissociation curve
absorbs oxygne from mother placenta, ity has a high effinity for oxygen and curve shifts to the left
1 of 10
lugworm dissociation curve
lives in the sea dowsnt have a lot of oxygen, curve shifts to the left as it has a high effonity for oxygen
2 of 10
llama dissociation curve
lives in high alitiutdes has a high effinity fior oxygen shifts to the left as it produces more red blood cells
3 of 10
myoglobin dissociation curve
shidts to the left as it is more stauratied i oxygen compared to haemoglobin and acts as an enrgy storage in muscles
4 of 10
describe chlorine shidt
co2 diffuses into the RBC and comines with water to form carbonoic acid, carbonoic acid dissociates into h+ ions and HCO- ions with catalyse of carbonoic anhydrase, HCO3- ions diffuse out of the red blod cells into the plasma
5 of 10
what does the HCO3- ions come in conatct with when diffuse out of the red blod cells into the plasma
it comes in contact with na+ ions thta have dissociated form nacl and nach, h+ ions dissociate from oygen and hamolglobin, h+ ions combine woth the haemoglob to form haemoglobonic acid, ocygen diffuses into cells and cl- diffuses in
6 of 10
what does the blood consist of
, cells, disslevd maolecules, large mmolecules and plasma proteins
7 of 10
what ois the fluid calles, ehat does it do
tissue fluid, it supplys the cells withh glucose, oxygen, fatty caids, amino acids and removes waste materials
8 of 10
decribe movemnt of solvent in capilleries
when blood reaches the capilleries a hydrostatic pressure forves the fluid from the blood through the walls and into the spaces, and opposing pressure and reduced water potential is creted by plasma proteins,
9 of 10
what happens after hydrostatic pressure of the blood is higher than osmotic pressure
then water is forced out of the blood, at the end of the capillierd the diffusion of solvents favour the movemnt of the capilleries,, at the end of the capillery beds the blood pressure id low and water moves in by osmosis and the fluid picks up co2
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


lugworm dissociation curve


lives in the sea dowsnt have a lot of oxygen, curve shifts to the left as it has a high effonity for oxygen

Card 3


llama dissociation curve


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


myoglobin dissociation curve


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


describe chlorine shidt


Preview of the front of card 5
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