Biology - Year 10 mock exam

What do the arteries do?
Carry blood at high blood pressure away from the heart.
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What do the cappillaries do?
They are any of the fine branching blood vessels that form a network between aterioles and venules.
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What are the veins?
Tubes forming part of the blood circulation carrying mainly oxygenated blood towards the heart.
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What does the term oxygenated mean?
To combine or mix with oxygen.
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What does the term deoxygenated mean?
No oxygen.
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Blood (1)
Transports hormones- adrenelin. Transports heat - plasma. Transports waste. Transports glucose.
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Blood (2)
Clots platelets.
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Blood (3)
Carries oxygen around the body - red blood cells - lungs - organs and all cells - aerobic respiration.
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Blood (4)
White blood cells fights pathogens - antibodies - bacteria - fungi - virus.
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- Thick layer of muscle. - Narrow central tube - Small lumen
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-Very thin walls for the exchange of substances. (diffusion). - Big lumen - Valves
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- Thin walls. - Single Cell. -Have valves to prevent backflow.
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Stem cells.
Can develop into another cell. -totipotent
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What is the stamata?
Stamata are holes in the bottom of leaves. They allow gas carbon dioxide to pass into the leaf. Needed for photosynthesis.
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What does the xylem do?
Transports water.
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What does the phoelem do?
Transports sugar away.
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Which blood vessel supplies the heart muscle with oxygen?
Coronary Artery.
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Which one of the following is an example of a plant organ?
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What does a potometer measure?
Water uptake.
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What is the function of the palisode mesophyll?
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What is the function of the spongy mesophyll?
Gas exchange.
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Red blood cell.
Biconcave shape.
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What is transpiration?
Transpiration is the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts, such as leaves, stems and flowers.
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What factors affect transpiration?
Humidity, Temperature, Water, Wind
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What factors affect transpiration? (1)
Light- In bright light transpiration increases, stomata open wider.
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What factors affect transpiration? (2)
Temperature- Transpiration is faster in higher temperatures. - Evaporation and diffusion faster.
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What factors affect transpiration? (3)
Transpiration is faster in windy conditions. - Water vapour is removed quickly by air.
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What factors affect transpiration? (4)
Humidity - Transpiration is slower in humid conditions. -diffusion of water vapour out of the leaf slows down.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


They are any of the fine branching blood vessels that form a network between aterioles and venules.


What do the cappillaries do?

Card 3


Tubes forming part of the blood circulation carrying mainly oxygenated blood towards the heart.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


To combine or mix with oxygen.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


No oxygen.


Preview of the back of card 5
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