Biology: Week 3: Structure and Function of the Nervous System

What do the anatomical terms Dorsal, Ventral, Rostral, Caudal, Lateral and Medial mean?
Dorsal: back / top of skull, Ventral: to the belly, base of the skull, Rostral: Towards the head/eyes, Caudal: to the feet, Lateral: away from the middle, Medial: towards the middle.
1 of 14
What are the Planes of sections?
Coronal/ frontal = parallel to forehead, Horizontal / axial = parallel to the ground, Sagittal = left vs right
2 of 14
What are the meninges?
Protective sheath of connective tissue covering the entire nervous system, which is composed of 3 layers in the CNS: the dura mater, arachnoid membrane, Pia mater.
3 of 14
What is the dura mater layer?
Tough, flexible but unstretchable outer layer.
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What is the arachnoid membrane?
Middle layer (web like structure) , absent in the PNS
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What is the Pia mater layer?
Inner layer closely attached to the brain, following its every surface convolution.
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What are two types of grooves on the external view of the Brain?
Sulci (small grooves) and fissures (prominent grooves)
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What is a bulge on the external view of the brain?
Gyris / gyrus
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What is subcortical nuclei?
Mass of neurones deep in the brain.
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What is white matter of the brain?
Inner "layer" composed of myelinated axons.
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What is grey matter of the brain?
Thin outer layer composed of (6 layers of) cell bodies, dendrites and glia.
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What does the telencephalon consist of?
Cerebral cortex, limbic system and basal ganglia
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Who is Korbinian Brodmann (1868 - 1918)?
A German neuroanatomist whom proposed a map of cortical areas (1 to 52) based on the cytoarchitectural organisation of neurones of the cerebral cortex.
13 of 14
What is the diencephalon involved in?
Involved in the relay of information to the cortex, controls ANS, and the endocrine system, and organises behaviour related to survival.
14 of 14

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Card 2


What are the Planes of sections?


Coronal/ frontal = parallel to forehead, Horizontal / axial = parallel to the ground, Sagittal = left vs right

Card 3


What are the meninges?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the dura mater layer?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the arachnoid membrane?


Preview of the front of card 5
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