Biology Unit 2 - Proteins And Their Functions And Uses

What are proteins made up from?
Long chains of smaller molecules called amino acids.
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Name a biological catalyst.
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What is it called when the shape of an enzyme changes and it can no longer carry out a certain function?
This is called denaturing.
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What do proteins act as?
Structural components of tissues, Hormones, Antibodies, and Biological catalysts.
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What is a biological catalyst?
They are substances that increase the rate of chemical reactions without being used up.
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What are enzymes?
Enzymes are proteins folded into complex shapes that allow smaller molecules to fit into them
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What is the Active Site?
It is a place where substrate molecules join together.
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What can cause the enzyme to become denatured?
It can become denatured by high temperatures or extremes of pH.
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What reaction does the enzyme Amylase catalyze?
Starch ---> Sugars
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What reaction does the enzyme Protease catalyze?
Proteins ---> Amino Acids
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What reaction does the enzyme Lipase catalyze?
Lipids ---> Fatty Acids + Glycerol
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Where is the enzyme Amylase produced?
Salivary glands, pancreas and small intestines.
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Where is the enzyme Protease produced?
Stomach, pancreas and small intestines.
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Where is the enzyme Lipase produced?
Pancreas and small intestines.
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What is the function of Lipase?
It breaks down fats.
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What is the function of Protease?
It breaks down proteins.
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What is the function of Carbohydrase?
It breaks down carbohydrates.
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In industry, what is Protease used for?
Used to pre-digest proteins during the manufacture of baby foods.
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In industry, what is Lipase used for?
Used - together with protease - in biological detergents to break down (digest) the substances in stains into smaller, water soluble substances
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In industry, what is Carbohydrase used for?
Used to convert starch syrup, which is relatively cheap, into sugar syrup, which is more valuable - for example, as an ingredient in sports drinks
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In industry, what is Isomerase used for?
Used to convert glucose syrup into fructose syrup - fructose is sweeter than glucose, so it can be used in smaller amounts in slimming foods
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Card 2


Name a biological catalyst.



Card 3


What is it called when the shape of an enzyme changes and it can no longer carry out a certain function?


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Card 4


What do proteins act as?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a biological catalyst?


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