Biology B3 - infection and response

  • Created by: PoppyIsla
  • Created on: 20-10-18 15:44

1. What is the final stage for drug development?

  • If the drug passes the test, it's tested on human volunteers. It's first tested on healthy volunteers the uf the results are good the drug can be tested on the people not suffering with the illness
  • If the drug passes the test, it's tested on human volunteers. It's first tested on healthy volunteers the uf the results are good the drug can be tested on the people suffering with the illness.
  • If the drug does not pass the test, it's tested on human volunteers. It's first tested on healthy volunteers the uf the results are good the drug can be tested on the people suffering with the illness
  • If the drug passes the test, it's tested on male volunteers. It's first tested on healthy volunteers the uf the results are good the drug can be tested on the people suffering with the illness
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2. What are the two Bacterial Diseases?

  • Salmonella and Gonorrhoea
  • HIV and Measles
  • Salmonella and Measles
  • HIV and Gonorrhoea

3. What is Tobacco Mosaic Virus?

  • A virus spread by droplets from an infected person's sneeze or cough.
  • A virus that affects many species of plants e.g. tomatoes. It causes a mosaic pattern on the leaves of the plants - parts of leaves become discoloured.
  • A virus spread by sexual contact, or by exchanging bodily fluids such as blood. This can happen when people share needles when taking drugs.

4. What is a disease caused by protist and what is it?

  • Malaria, takes place inside the mosquito. The mosquitoes are vectors they pick up the malarial protist when they feed on the infected animal. Everytime a mosquito feeds on another animal, it infects it by inserting the protist into the animal's blood
  • Measles is spread by droplets from an infected person's sneeze or cough. People with measles develop a red skin Rash, and they'll show signs of fever. Measles can be very serious or even fatal, if there are complications. Most people are vaccinated.
  • HIV is spread by sexual contact, or by exchanging bodily fluids such as blood. This can happen when people share needles when taking drugs. It attacks the immune cells, the immune system is badly damaged, it can't cope with other infections or cancer
  • TMV affects many species of plants e.g. tomatoes. It causes a mosaic pattern on the leaves of the plants - parts of the leaves become discoloured. the discolouration means the plant can't carry out photosynthesis as well, so the virus affects growth.

5. What can consuming Pathogens do for the Immune system?

  • Every invading pathogen has unique molecules on its surface. When some types of white blood cell comes across a foreign antigen, they will start to produce protein called antibodies to lock onto the invading cells so they can be found and destroyed.
  • White blood cells can engulf foreign cells and digest them. This is called phagocytosis.
  • These counteract toxins produced by the invading bacteria.


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