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6. What do the painkillers do?

  • They destroy viruses and they relieve pain , however they don't actually tackle the cause of the diease or the pathogens.
  • They relieve pain, they don't actually tackle the cause of the disease or kill pathogens, they just help to reduce the symptoms.
  • They relieve pain and also takle the disease and kill the pathogens.
  • They reatly reduce the number of deaths from communicable diseases caused by bacteria.

7. What can Producing Antibodies do to attack pathogens?

  • White blood cells can engulf foreign cells and digest them. This is called phagocytosis
  • Every invading pathogen has unique molecules on its surface. When some types of white blood cell comes across a foreign antigen, they will start to produce protein called antibodies to lock onto the invading cells so they can be found and destroyed.
  • These counteract toxins produced by the invading bacteria.

8. What are the pros of vaccinations?

  • Contoll lots of communicable diseases that were once common in the uk. Big outbreaks of disease called empidemics can be prevented if a large percentage of the population is vaccinated.
  • Vaccines have helped control lots of uncommunicable diseases that were once common in the UK.
  • Vaccines don't always work sometimes they don't give up immunity. You can sometimes have a bad reaction to a vaccine. Bad reactions are very rare.
  • Vaccines don't help control lots of communicable dieases. People who aren't vaccinatec are unlikely to get the disease because there are fewer people able to pass it on.

9. What Drugs relieve symptoms?

  • Painkillers, Antibiotics
  • Paracetomol, Calpol
  • Painkillers, calpol
  • Antibiotics, Calpol

10. How can the immune system attack pathogens?

  • Consuming Anitibodies, Cinsuming Them, Consuming Antitoxins
  • Producing Them, Producing Antibodies, Producing Antitoxins
  • Consuming Them, Producing Antibodies, Producing Antitoxins
  • Not Consuming Them, Producing Antibodies, Producing Antitoxins

11. What can you do to Destroy vectors?

  • Can't develop the infection and then pass it on to someone else.
  • If you isolate someone who has a communicable disease, it prevents them from passing it on to anyone else
  • Getting rid of organisms that spread disease, ypu can prevent the disease from being passed on. They're insects that can be killed using insecticides or by destroying their habitat so thatb they can no longer breed.
  • using simple measures can prevent the spread of disease. Washing your hands thoroughly before preparing food or after you've sneezed can stop you infecting another poem.

12. What are the three Viral diseases?

  • Measles, HIV, TB
  • HIV, Chicken Pox, Measles
  • Measles, HIV, Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV)
  • Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV), TB, HIV

13. What is a fungal disease?

  • Rose Black spot of fungi that can cause orange or yellow spots to develop on the leaves.
  • A rose black spot is a fungus that causes purple or black spots to develop on the leaves of rose plants. The leaves can turn yellow and drop off. This means Photosynthesis is less likely to happen as the plant doesn't grow very well.
  • is a fungus that causes purple or black spots to develop on the leaves of rose plants. The leaves can turn yellow and drop off. This means Photosynthesis is likely to happen as the plant doesn't grow very well
  • Pink Red spot is a fungus that causes purple or black spots to develop on the leaves of rose plants. The leaves can turn yellow and drop off. This means Photosynthesis is likely to happen as the plant doesn't grow very well

14. Why can bacteria become resistant to antibiotics?

  • if you treat the infection only resistant strains of bacteria will be killed.
  • Bacteria can mutate, this can cause them to be resisitant to antibiotics. If you have an infection some of the bacteria might be resistant to antibiotics. This means that when you treat the infections only the non resitant bacterias killed.
  • Bacteria can mutate, this can not cause them to be resistant to an antibiotic. If you have an infection some of the bacteria might be resistant to antibiotics.
  • Bacteria can't mutate but the antibiotics can not treat the infection, only the non resistant strains of bacteria is killed.

15. What is Salmonella?

  • A type of bacteria that causes food poisoning, infected people can suffer from fever, stomach cramps, vomitting and diarrhoea. These symptoms are caused by the toxins that the bacteria produce.
  • Is a Sexually transmitted disease, STDs are passed on by sexual contact. A person with this will get pain when they urinate. Another symptom is a thick yellow or green discharge from vagina or penis.
  • is a type of bacteria that causes food poisoning, these symptoms are caused by pathogens that the bacteria produce.
  • symptoms are fever, stomach cramps, vomiting and diarrhoea . Can get Salmonella by eating uncontaminated foods e.g. Fruits chopped up on the Same board as vegetables.

16. What are pathogens?

  • pathogens are microorganisms that enter the body and cause disease
  • pathogens are microorganisms that leave the body and cause disease
  • pathogens are viruses not cells
  • pathogens are very small cells

17. Can bacteria become resistant to antibiotics?

  • YES
  • NO

18. What are digitslis used for?

  • Is used as an antibiotic, to lower fever. It was developed from a chemical found in willow.
  • is used to treat heart conditions. It was developed from a chemical found in fox gloves.
  • as a painkiller and to lower fever. It was developed from a chemical found in willow
  • It was used in heart conditions, developed form a chemical found in willow

19. What is a disease caused by protist and what is it?

  • TMV affects many species of plants e.g. tomatoes. It causes a mosaic pattern on the leaves of the plants - parts of the leaves become discoloured. the discolouration means the plant can't carry out photosynthesis as well, so the virus affects growth.
  • Measles is spread by droplets from an infected person's sneeze or cough. People with measles develop a red skin Rash, and they'll show signs of fever. Measles can be very serious or even fatal, if there are complications. Most people are vaccinated.
  • Malaria, takes place inside the mosquito. The mosquitoes are vectors they pick up the malarial protist when they feed on the infected animal. Everytime a mosquito feeds on another animal, it infects it by inserting the protist into the animal's blood
  • HIV is spread by sexual contact, or by exchanging bodily fluids such as blood. This can happen when people share needles when taking drugs. It attacks the immune cells, the immune system is badly damaged, it can't cope with other infections or cancer

20. What is Gonorrhoea?

  • Is a Sexually transmitted disease, STDs are passed on by sexual contact. A person with this will get pain when they urinate. Another symptom is a thick yellow or green discharge from vagina or penis.
  • A type of bacteria that causes food poisoning, infected people can suffer from fever, stomach cramps, vomitting and diarrhoea. These symptoms are caused by the toxins that the bacteria produce
  • is a type of bacteria that causes food poisoning, these symptoms are caused by pathogens that the bacteria produce
  • Is a STD thats passed on by verbal contact. Is caused by bacteria.