Biology Paper 2: Topic 7 - Hormonal Control

  • Created by: JS13
  • Created on: 07-02-22 17:37
What is homeostasis?
The body maintaining its internal conditions in response to external and internal changes in the environment to maintain optimum conditions for enzymes and cellular reactions.
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What are some conditions that need to be maintained?
Body temperature
Blood glucose concentration
Water levels
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What is thermoregulation?
Maintaining core body temperature (of around 37C)
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Where are the receptors for temperature?
Skin - Epidermis and dermis
Brain - Hypothalamus
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What endocrine hormones are involved in regulating blood glucose?
Insulin and glucagon
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What happens after a meal?
High glucose levels. The pancreas detects this and releases insulin. Insulin binds to liver and muscle cell receptors. The cells absorb more glucose and convert it to glycogen (storage molecule)
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How does the body respond to low levels of glucose?
Pancreas secretes glucagon into the bloodstream. It binds to liver cells and breaks down glycogen back into glucose.
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In what way is glucose homeostasis an example of a negative feedback loop?
Our body is consistently releasing both insulin and glucagon (which are antagonistic hormones). As a result, plotting blood glucose against time on a graph shows us that blood glucose constantly fluctuates.
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What is diabetes?
The body become unable to regulate blood glucose
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What is type 1 diabetes and how can you treat it?
Develops early in life. The pancreas secretes little to no insulin. Treated with insulin injections and more exercise and less eating of refined sugars (so less insulin needs to be injected).
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What is type 2 diabetes and how can you treat it?
Develops as a result of an unhealthy diet. The body becomes resistant to insulin, so the body doesn't absorb as much glucose to store as glycogen. Treated with low refined sugar diet and regular exercise.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are some conditions that need to be maintained?


Body temperature
Blood glucose concentration
Water levels

Card 3


What is thermoregulation?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Where are the receptors for temperature?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What endocrine hormones are involved in regulating blood glucose?


Preview of the front of card 5
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