Biology paper 2: ecology (disrupting ecosystems).

  • Created by: aliciasp
  • Created on: 22-01-20 14:22
What is biodiversity?
Biodiversity is the variety of all the different species of organisms on Earth.
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How does having a high biodiversity help ecosystems be stable?
Species depend on eah other for food and water so having a high biodiversity means there will be many different species of organisms that can work together.
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What does the future of humans rely on?
Maintaining a good level of biodiversity.
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Why is there reduction in biodiversity?
Many human activities put biodiversity at risk.
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What changes put biodiversity at risk?
Changes in availability of water, temperature and atmospheric gases.
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What may be the reasons for these changes?
Changes in the seasons, geographic activity and human interaction.
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What is the biggest cause of extinction currently?
Loss of habitat.
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What is a good way to preserve biodiversity?
By not littering, recycling, protecting the environment and reducing gas emissions etc.
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Which country supports almost 10% of biodiversity on Earth?
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Why is action now being taken to preserve biodiversity?
Their is a large increase in reduction and soon the damage will be irreversible.
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What can pollution do to an ecosystem?
Pollution kills plants and animals thus potentially reducing biodiversity.
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What can an increase in the standard of living lead to?
More resources are used and more waste is produced.
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What would happen if more of these materials are properly handled?
More pollution will be caused.
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In which ways can pollution occur?
Water pollution, air pollution and land pollution. Almost all elemental pollution.
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What is the main cause of air pollution?
The burning of fossil fuels leading to harmful toxins being released into the air.
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What effect of air pollution is caused when sulfur dioxide gets high into the atmosphere?
Respiratory problems, lung cancer and heart disease.
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What is the biggest single cause of air pollution?
Transport such as cars.
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How can rivers be polluted?
Directly from waste discharged into them, and when toxic chemicals wash off the land.
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What effect does sewage have on water oxygen concentration?
Sewage reduces the oxygen concentration. The respiration of decay bacteria uses dissolved oxygen from the water.
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What is eutrophication?
Excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water, frequently due to run-off from the land, which causes a dense growth of plant life.
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What can humans do that will reduce the amount of land available for animals and plants?
Building, farming, quarrying and dumping waste.
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What destroys peat bogs, thus reducing the area of habitat and amount of organisms that live there?
Producing garden compost.
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What does the decay of burning of peat lead to?
Carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere.
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Why does deforestation occur in tropical areas?
To provide land for cattle and rice fields to produce more food. To grow crops from which biofuels can be produced.
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What is the definition of global warming?
The gradual increase of the temperature of the Earth.
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Why do scientists think global warming exists?
The changes in various gases caused by pollution and deforestation.
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What gases are products of pollution and deforestation?
Carbon dioxide and methane.
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What are some biological consequences of global warming?
Loss of habitat caused by flooding that occurs because of rising sea levels. Changes in distribution of species in areas where temperature has changed. Changes to the migration patterns of animals.
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What is overexploitation?
The action of making excessive use of a resource.
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What steps have scientists taken to reduce pollution and overexploitation?
Breeding programmes for endangered species. Protecting rare habitats. Encouraging farmers to keep margins and hedgerows in fields. Reducing deforestation and carbon emissions. Recycling resources.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How does having a high biodiversity help ecosystems be stable?


Species depend on eah other for food and water so having a high biodiversity means there will be many different species of organisms that can work together.

Card 3


What does the future of humans rely on?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why is there reduction in biodiversity?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What changes put biodiversity at risk?


Preview of the front of card 5
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