Biology Definitions - Chapter 8

the diffusion of gases down a concentration gradient across a respiratory surface, between an organism and its environment
gas exchange
1 of 8
the site of gas exchange
respiratory surface
2 of 8
the rate of energy expenditure by the body
metabolic rate
3 of 8
an organism that lives on land
terrestrial organism
4 of 8
blood and water flow in the same direction at the gill lamellae, maintaining the concentration gradient for oxygen to diffuse into the blood only up to the point where its concentration in the blood and water is equal
parallel flow
5 of 8
the covering over the gills of a bony fish
6 of 8
blood and water flowing in opposite directions at the gill lamellae, maintaining the concentration gradient and, therefore, oxygen diffusion into the blood, along their entire length
counter-current flow
7 of 8
waxy covering on a leaf, secreted by epidermal cells, which reduces water loss
8 of 8

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Card 2


the site of gas exchange


respiratory surface

Card 3


the rate of energy expenditure by the body


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Card 4


an organism that lives on land


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


blood and water flow in the same direction at the gill lamellae, maintaining the concentration gradient for oxygen to diffuse into the blood only up to the point where its concentration in the blood and water is equal


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