What is a gene?
A section of DNA which codes for a specific protein
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What are chromosomes?
Thread-like structures found in the nucleus of the cell which carry the genetic information
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What is the structure inside the nucleus?
Nucleus ˃ Chromosomes ˃ Genes ˃ 1 Gene ˃ DNA
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What do genes do?
One gene contains the instructions for one protein. Some genes also carry the instructions for the proteins that control the chemical processes in your body
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What is DNA?
It's a long, coiled molecule that can unzip and copy itself when a cell divides - DNA carries genetic information
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What is a double helix?
The spiral structure of a DNA molecule, produced by two strands of joined by complementary base pairs
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What is a double bond?
When two bonds and joined by two bonds
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What is a base?
The two strands in a molecule of DNA are linked together at regular intervals by chemicals called bases.
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What are the bases in DNA?
Adenine = Thymine : Cytosine = Guanine
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Why does bases always pair up in the same way?
This is because of the complementary shape of the molecule
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What are the bases joined together with?
Weak hydrogen bonds
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What does the order of the bases determine?
The order of the bases in DNA contains the information needed to form the proteins for body cells
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Why are humans slightly different?
We each have a slightly different order of bases in our genes and this makes us all slightly different
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A DNA molecule is made up of two strands. How are they joined together?
The two strands are linked together at regular intervals by chemicals called bases
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What does DNA stand for?
deoxyribonucleic acid
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What form the two strands?
Sugars (deocyribose) and phosphates
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What does a triplet code of 3 bases cold for?
It codes for one amino acid - cells use the code to join up amino acids into a protein
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are chromosomes?


Thread-like structures found in the nucleus of the cell which carry the genetic information

Card 3


What is the structure inside the nucleus?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What do genes do?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is DNA?


Preview of the front of card 5
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