Biology 17, Organisation of an ecosystem

What do all food chains begin with?
A producer that synthesises molecules. This is usually a green plant or algae which makes glucose by photosynthesis
1 of 10
What is a detrivore?
-A type of decomposer e.g. worms -They begin break down such as breaking down leaf litter -They create organic waste which has an increased surface area -Their food is called detritis
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What is a decomposer?
-A type of decomposer e.g. microorganisms like fungi and bacteria -Break down organic matter releasing mineral ions back into the soil and CO2 into the atmosphere -These can then be used by plants
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What does anaerobic decay produce?
It produces methane gas
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What 3 things does the carbon cycle do and how?
-Release carbon into the atmosphere through respiration and combustion -Removes carbon from atmosphere by photosynthesis -Carbon sinks(gets locked away) in fossil fuels and wood
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How does temperature affect decay?
-The rate of chemical reactions within microorganisms are faster in warmer conditions -If it's too cold, decay will slow.
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How does water/moisture affect decay?
-Moisture is required for growth in microorganisms such as decomposers -It means they can digest their food easily and it prevents them from drying out
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How do oxygen levels affect decay?
-Most decomposers respire aerobically -They need oxygen to break down food and transfer energy, grow and reproduce -Decay happens rapidly when there is plenty of oxygen
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In a compost bin the lid is kept closed, why is this?
The lid is shut to help heat up the heap. This is because the thermal energy released in respiration can be kept in. Moisture levels are also kept up as water is also released in respiration (decomposition)
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How are decomposition and respiration linked?
Things are decomposed through respiration.
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Card 2


What is a detrivore?


-A type of decomposer e.g. worms -They begin break down such as breaking down leaf litter -They create organic waste which has an increased surface area -Their food is called detritis

Card 3


What is a decomposer?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does anaerobic decay produce?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What 3 things does the carbon cycle do and how?


Preview of the front of card 5
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