
Biology Questions To Examine Yourself With.

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  • Created by: PhoebeCC
  • Created on: 02-04-21 10:05
Desccribe what happens to carbohydrates in the human body between ingestion and assimilation in the liver.
1.Ingestion occurs in mouth. 2. Chemical digestion occurs in small intestine. 3. Physical digestion into small pieces. 4. Ref. to chew moves through oesophagus . 5. Breakdown insoluble molecules into soluble molecules 6. Salivary glands
1 of 6
State the importance of calcium ions in balanced diet .
1.Healthy strong bones 2. Healthy strong teeth 3. AVP
2 of 6
State the importance of irons ions in a balanced diet .
1.Prevent anemia 2. Transport Oxygen
3 of 6
List 2 factors , other than than diet and blood pressure , that the doctors considered when assessing the overall risk of the volunteers developing CHD.
1. Smoking 2. Stress 3. Age 4. Weight
4 of 6
Explain why urine tests are a good indicator of how much salt has been consumed.
1.Excess salt removed 2. People are not reliable 3. Reabsorbed in blood
5 of 6
DNA is a biological molecule found in the .... of an animal cell.
6 of 6

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Card 2


State the importance of calcium ions in balanced diet .


1.Healthy strong bones 2. Healthy strong teeth 3. AVP

Card 3


State the importance of irons ions in a balanced diet .


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Card 4


List 2 factors , other than than diet and blood pressure , that the doctors considered when assessing the overall risk of the volunteers developing CHD.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Explain why urine tests are a good indicator of how much salt has been consumed.


Preview of the front of card 5
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