
Biology Questions To Examine Yourself With.

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  • Created by: PhoebeCC
  • Created on: 02-04-21 07:50
Desccribe what happens to carbohydrates in the human body between ingestion and assimilation in the liver.
1.Ingestion occurs in mouth. 2. Chemical digestion occurs in small intestine. 3. Physical digestion into small pieces. 4. Ref. to chew moves through oesophagus . 5. Breakdown insoluble molecules into soluble molecules 6. Salivary glands
1 of 14
State the importance of calcium ions in balanced diet .
1.Healthy strong bones 2. Healthy strong teeth 3. AVP
2 of 14
State the importance of irons ions in a balanced diet .
1.Prevent anemia 2. Transport Oxygen
3 of 14
List 2 factors , other than than diet and blood pressure , that the doctors considered when assessing the overall risk of the volunteers developing CHD.
1. Smoking 2. Stress 3. Age 4. Weight
4 of 14
Explain why urine tests are a good indicator of how much salt has been consumed.
1.Excess salt removed 2. People are not reliable 3. Reabsorbed in blood
5 of 14
DNA is a biological molecule found in the .... of an animal cell.
6 of 14
The sequence of the .... in the mRNA determines the order of the amino acids that will be assembled into a......
Bases / Protein
7 of 14
When carrying out genetic engineering , section of human DNA called ...... are cut using restriction enzymes .
8 of 14
Next bacterial plasmids are cut with the .... restriction enzymes to form complementary ..... ends .
Same / Sticky
9 of 14
The cut section of human DNA is inserted into the cut plasmid they are joined together to form a .......plasmid .
10 of 14
These plasmids are inserted into .......... and replication occurs .
11 of 14
This process is used to produce human .......... that is used to treat people with diabetes
12 of 14
How do blood clot forms?
1. Platelets 2. Fibrinogen is converted to fibrin 3. Fibrinogen is soluble 4. Fibrin forms a mesh 5. Fibrin traps blood cells 6. Blood cell is red 7. Fibrinogen is fibrin 8. Is a white (blood )cells
13 of 14
State the name of the mineral ion that is used to amino acids.
Nitrate Ions
14 of 14

Other cards in this set

Card 2


State the importance of calcium ions in balanced diet .


1.Healthy strong bones 2. Healthy strong teeth 3. AVP

Card 3


State the importance of irons ions in a balanced diet .


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


List 2 factors , other than than diet and blood pressure , that the doctors considered when assessing the overall risk of the volunteers developing CHD.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Explain why urine tests are a good indicator of how much salt has been consumed.


Preview of the front of card 5
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